

A | Member Since 23 Apr, 2019
9 Followers 84070 Page views 157 Likes

Welcome to Worldkeymaster. I am A, one of the two who uses the name Worldkeymaster. So, I am A or you can call me Worldkeymaster here. I am an on-and-off writer.
Before joining WorldAnvil, I had written about 10 complete drafts of books around 200-300 pages with a variety of worlds. At the moment, I am writing a new novel in the world Nimenra, which while on hold is enrichened with characters and articles about the world from time to time. I am from Sweden and started writing some articles in Swedish but have since moved over with English so all can read, will eventually/maybe/I think go over to translate into Swedish, eventually. This is why {English} is in front of many titles for now so I and the reader know which ones are Swedish and English.
I write mostly fantasy, which has been also called relationship novels as those have mainly taken place in a school. I have also written some Star Wars fan-fiction in English in my own alternative Star Wars universe.

Favorite Movies

The Star Wars Saga. I do however have no favourite among them I think.

Favorite TV Series

Star Wars the Clone Wars and The Mandalorian Anime: My Hero Academia and Yu-Shibu.

Favorite Books

Star Wars: Thrawn series (You see a pattern yet?)

Favorite Writers

To be completely honest, I don't read too much... so no favorites at this moment!

Favorite Games

Dynasty Warriors series (except nine, let's not talk about DW9...)