Ethnicity Template | World Anvil Codex

Ethnicity Template (How to say the name)

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Of peoples and groups.

Written by SoulLink
The ethnicity template is designed to help you build various forms of cultures and other unorganized groups of people. In general, if a group of people identify by one or more shared attribute but are not organized in a hierarchy this is the template to use.   The shared attribute can be language, dialect, nationality, religious affiliation or denomination, mythology, geographical distribution, homeland, history, traditions & rituals, social norms, treatment by others, phenotype, origin or ancestry.  
The template has many prompt boxes which can be filled in. Use them for inspiration and to help format your article. Do not feel like you have to fill out all of them!
  The terms in the braces below each heading tell you under which tab this prompt appears and what the title of the box is.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

(NAMING TRADITIONS > FEMININE NAMES)   What types of names are considered feminine and are most commonly given to female members of this ethnic group? Write about the most common name and why it is so popular. Are there any names that have fallen out of favor? Is there a name that is forbidden? Are there traditions that ascribe special qualities to these names? What is the system by which this community chooses names for its children?

Masculine names

(NAMING TRADITIONS > MASCULINE NAMES)   What types of names are considered masculine and are most commonly given to male members of this ethnic group? Write about the most common name and why it is so popular. Are there any names that have fallen out of favor? Is there a name that is forbidden? Are there traditions that ascribe special qualities to these names? What is the system by which this community chooses names for its children?

Unisex names

(NAMING TRADITIONS > UNISEX NAMES)   What types of names are considered unisex? How did this name become unisex? Write about the most common name and why it is so popular. Are there any names that have fallen out of favor? Is there a name that is forbidden? Are there traditions that ascribe special qualities to these names? What is the system by which this community chooses names for its children?

Family names

(NAMING TRADITIONS > FAMILY NAMES)   What kind of surnames are common in this group? How are these family names passed down? How is it handled when two people from different families form a new family? What traditions surround these names? How were they originally chosen? What kind of reverence do they inspire?

Other names

(NAMING TRADITIONS > OTHER NAMES)   Describe other types of names used in this culture, like nicknames, aliases, middle names, ritual names, group names, suffixes and prefixes and more! Where did these names come from? Who is using them? What makes them special? How are they chosen? When are they given out?


Major language groups and dialects

(CUSTOMS > MAJOR LANGUAGE GROUPS & DIALECTS)   Describe the language group, languages and dialects used by this ethnic group. Do they have only one common language, or are there differences? Do others use this language? What does the language mean to this group?

Culture and cultural heritage

(CUSTOM > CULTURE & CULTURAL HERITAGE)   What are the core elements of this ethnic groups culture? What kind of cultural heritage do they have? How do they remember or honour their cultural heritage? Or are they trying to forget their past and bury it? How are these cultural elements preserved? Who is responsible to decide what becomes cultural heritage? What is forgotten and why?

Shared customary codes and values

(CUSTOMS > CUSTOMARY CODES & SHARED VALUES)   What are the common values and characteristics of this ethnic group? How do they demonstrate their membership in the ethnic group? Are these values openly practiced or kept secret? How do others view these norms and values?

Average technological level

(CUSTOMS > ATTAINED TECHNOLOGICAL LEVELS)   What kind of technologies does this ethnic group possess? Are there any special technologies that only know the secrets of?

Common Etiquette rules

(CUSTOMS > COMMON ETIQUETTE)   What kind of etiquette do the members of this group follow? Do they have a special greeting? Special rules for eating together? What other rituals do they follow to show respect or be polite? What is considered rude? Is there a group or authority that sets the standards for these rules?

Common Dress code

(CUSTOMS > DRESS CODE)   Do the members of this group have a specific dress code? Do all members wear the same uniform? Do they dress in a similar fashion style? Are there any items or colors they are not allowed to wear? Does the dress code have any material restrictions?

Art & Architecture

(CUSTOMS > ART & ARCHITECTURE)   What kind of art and architecture is commonly associated with this ethnic group? Do they follow a particular style of art? Or is there a preferred type of art that this group creates? Do they build monuments? Do they like to paint? Or do they simply not have the luxury to be creative? Are they more concerned with function or aesthetics? Are there any famous architects or artists who represent this style? Are there others copying this style? Why is it being copied?

Foods & Cuisine

(CUSTOMS > FOODS & CUISINE)   Describe the foods and cuisine this culture is known for. What kind of ingredients are typical for their cusinie? How do they typically prepare foods? Do they fry a lot or have a lot of stews and soups? Are there any imported or adapted food styles that are popular? Is this cusinie popular anywhere else? What is its reputation in other cultures?

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

(CUSTOMS > COMMON CUSTOMS & OBSERVED TRADITIONS)   Describe the customs and traditions of this group. How are they expressed or observed? Are they shared with other cultures? Have they been observed for long or are they relatively young? Who is responsible to enact or enforce these tradtions?

Birth & Baptismal Rites

(CUSTOMS > BIRTH / BAPTISMAL RITES)   Describe the rituals common to this culture or group that are performed during or after birth. Are these rituals associated with a specific religion? What inspired them? What is the meaning of these rituals? Do they serve a functional purpose? Do these rituals help improve birth outcomes? Or are they even harmful? Why are they important?

Coming of Age Rites

(CUSTOMS > COMING OF AGE RITES)   Describe the coming of age rituals of this group. Do you celebrate a member's coming of age in any special way? What does this celebration look like? Is it a more serious matter in which they must prove themselves in a series of trials? Are these trials deadly? Why are these trials held? How do the lives of those who undergo these rites change after they go through them?

Funerary and Memorial customs

(CUSTOMS > FUNERARY & MEMORIAL CUSTOMS)   How is death treated by this ethnic group? How do they mourne the death of a member? Do they celebrate the life they had lived? Do they have a specific way to remember the deceased?

Common Taboos

(CUSTOMS > TABOOS)   What are topics which are taboo? Something that is never discussed or mentioned. How is the member who breaks this taboo punished?

Common Myths and Legends

(CUSTOMS > MYTHS & LEGENDS)   What kind of legends does this ethnic group tell their children? Are there any creation myths associated with them? Do they have a myth which creates their identity? Remember to use the Myth & Legends template if you wish to expand this section.

Historical figures

(CUSTOMS > MAJOR HISTORICAL FIGURES)   Mention a few notable characters which are or were members of this ethnic group. Why are they notable? Keep this short and create character articles if you want to write more about them!


Beauty Ideals

(IDEALS > BEAUTY IDEALS)   What kind of appearance is considered beautiful in this ethnicity? Are there different standards for each gender? How well does this ideal match reality? Are there any traditions or rituals around these ideals? Is there a technology that helps to achieve this ideal? Is there a specific person who embodies this ideal? How is this ideal represented in art and media?

Gender Ideals

(IDEALS > GENDER IDEALS)   What gender does this group recognize? How are they treated? And what are their ideal roles? How well does this ideal match reality? What common traditions or rituals are associated with these roles? Are there professions, titles or ranks associated with a gender? What is something a gender is not allowed to do? Is there a piece of clothing that one or each gender must wear?

Courtship Ideals

(IDEALS > COURTSHIP IDEALS)   What is the ideal courtship behavior expected of members of this group to attract a mate? Is there an active and a passive gender? Does either gender initiate but follow a strict protocol? What are some common mistakes people make? How well does this ideal match reality? What are some parodies of this ideal? Is there any other group that imitates this ideal?

Relationship Ideals

(IDEALS > RELATIONSHIP IDEALS)   What is the ideal mating relationship in this group? How do the role models live? How well does this ideal match reality? What kind of traditions and rituals are associated with good couples? Is there a famous couple that everyone looks up to? Are these ideals more related to political, social, or romantic factors? Are there relationships that are restricted or forbidden?

Major organizations

(CONNECTIONS & RELATIONS > MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS)   Discribe or link the organizations the members of this ethnicity are a part of. Why are these organizations important? How did they become important?
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Items
Related Myths
Related Locations

Related Prompts

The prompts listed below are part of the Worldbuilding Prompts that can be found under the Community menu. These prompts use the template discussed in this article. Using these prompts is a great way to expand your worldbuilding!


Cover image: Photograph by petr sidorov


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