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Nephilim (Fisherman/Wrecker/Sailor)
Barbarian 4
49 / 49 HP

Older, sea fairing Nephilim with a past shrouded in pain, loss and mystery. A powerful barbarian, excellent fisherman and daring pilot. Self determined and brave with tenets that some find inconsistent with common practice.

Campaign & Party

Fri 26th Mar 2021 08:07

Syrgja Journal Entry X

by Syrgja

Today I heard the crash of the ocean. I was swept into its endless waves and broke as I was expelled upon its shore. I saw a pearl, cloaked in shadow, fade from my grasp, my sight, my soul.

Syrgja's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Syrgja Journal Entry I
    21 Jan 2021 09:37:40
  2. Syrgja Journal Entry II
    28 Jan 2021 02:00:18
  3. Syrgja Journal Entry III
    02 Feb 2021 10:58:35
  4. Syrgja Journal Entry IV
    12 Feb 2021 01:08:28
  5. Syrgja Journal Entry V
    17 Feb 2021 08:16:35
  6. Syrgja Journal Entry VI
    25 Feb 2021 08:54:24
  7. Syrgja Journal Entry VII
    03 Mar 2021 04:22:45
  8. Syrgja Journal Entry VIII
    11 Mar 2021 08:36:47
  9. Syrgja Journal Entry IX
    26 Mar 2021 07:53:05
  10. Syrgja Journal Entry X
    26 Mar 2021 08:07:06

The major events and journals in Syrgja's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 24 - Ambush Aftermath

04:55 am - 15.07.2021

Session 24 - Ambush Aftermath

04:55 am - 15.07.2021

Session 23 - Warehouse Clash

04:52 am - 15.07.2021

Session 23 - Warehouse Clash

04:52 am - 15.07.2021

Session 22 - What in the Box?

08:17 pm - 30.06.2021

Session 22 - What in the Box?

08:17 pm - 30.06.2021

Session 21 - Truths and Consequences

04:39 am - 18.06.2021

Session 21 - Truths and Consequences

12:13 am - 18.06.2021

Session 20 - Where Is My Mind

04:18 am - 11.06.2021

Session 20 - Where Is My Mind

04:18 am - 11.06.2021

Session 18 - Strange Magics

04:39 am - 04.06.2021

Session 18 - Strange Magics

12:25 am - 04.06.2021

Session 18 - Clues & Killers Pt 4

04:37 am - 28.05.2021

Session 18 - Clues & Killers Pt 4

04:37 am - 28.05.2021

Session 17 - Clues and Killers - Pt 3

06:33 pm - 21.05.2021

Session 17 - Clues and Killers - Pt 3

06:33 pm - 21.05.2021

Session 16

04:07 am - 14.05.2021

Session 16

04:07 am - 14.05.2021

Session 15 - Clues and Killers

04:26 am - 07.05.2021

Session 15 - Clues and Killers

12:18 am - 07.05.2021

Session 14 - Salt in the Wound

07:54 pm - 26.04.2021

Session 14 - Salt in the Wound

07:54 pm - 26.04.2021

Session 13 - Reaching for Answers

04:09 am - 16.04.2021

Session 13 - Reaching for Answers

12:51 am - 16.04.2021

Session 12 - Blood and Bodies

04:14 am - 09.04.2021

Session 12 - Blood and Bodies

04:14 am - 09.04.2021

Session 11 - Missing and Accounted For

02:40 pm - 02.04.2021

Session 11 - Missing and Accounted For

12:48 am - 02.04.2021

Session 10 - A Trail in the Woods (cont.)

10:06 pm - 01.04.2021

Session 10 - A Trail in the Woods (cont.)

10:06 pm - 01.04.2021

Syrgja Jounral Entry X

Today I saw a flower blooming in total darkness......

07:54 pm - 26.03.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry IX

Today we return to the northwood, searching for these farmhouses that are potentially hiding more of these Ravens and their victims. Mirielle returns to the Pendragon household with a new person in tow. A Half Elf that claims to have some proficiency ...

07:53 pm - 26.03.2021

Session 9 - The Trails in the Woods

02:19 pm - 24.03.2021

Session 9 - The Trails in the Woods

02:19 pm - 24.03.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry VIII

Stig and I are met on the way back to Ewans house by Ewan himself, hauling his fathers body, minus a hand and his sister was nowhere to be found according to Ewan. I follow them back towards the temple of Zymmera, leaving his father to be healed. We fo...

04:34 am - 11.03.2021

Session 8 - Always A Step Behind

07:04 am - 05.03.2021

Session 8 - Always A Step Behind

01:21 am - 05.03.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry VII

After exploring around this seems to be some sort of harvesting or experimenting area. No survivors were left within. Daias family was found in a small containment area with their throats cut. It took me awhile to enter the area with the bodies. I was...

04:16 am - 03.03.2021

Session 7 - Laborious Ethics

05:26 am - 26.02.2021

Session 7 - Laborious Ethics

01:12 am - 26.02.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry VI

Rain, all the way to Gethara. I hope to find Cassandra, maybe get enough information to track down this shady entity operatinfg in the area. Murder of Ravens. Asai ran off, as she is want to do, careless to the help she may provide us. In the distance...

08:54 pm - 25.02.2021

Session 6 - Saving Our Youth

06:14 am - 19.02.2021

Session 6 - Saving Our Youth

01:10 am - 19.02.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry V

Xenovu came to the tavern to let myself and Miriele know that they indeed had apprehended the red haired human. Daia. Mirele was well into her cups at this point. Generally it seems when people get so deeply into the drink they are trying to squash so...

08:16 pm - 17.02.2021

Session 5: A Tale to Tell

05:08 am - 12.02.2021

Session 5: A Tale to Tell

01:43 am - 12.02.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry IV

We take the rode to Dawndale, following the river. As we came to the crossroads to head towards the western forest and Rylye there was good fishing to be had and Xenovu and I caught a mighty haul. We arrived in town in the evening, seeing a missing per...

01:07 am - 12.02.2021

Seesion 4: Magic in the Wind

05:53 am - 05.02.2021

Seesion 4: Magic in the Wind

01:09 am - 05.02.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry III

I made my way to the only contact in the city whom I thought may have information on my hunch regarding the small map I caught glimpse of in Lilitharis' journal. Approaching the entrance to Baron Kendrick Hathwayes estate I have flashes to the cries o...

10:58 pm - 02.02.2021

Session 3: Contact and Contacts

05:49 am - 29.01.2021

Session 3: Contact and Contacts

05:49 am - 29.01.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry II

blah blah...

08:00 pm - 26.01.2021

Session 2: Where Blood May Run

06:10 am - 22.01.2021

Session 2: Where Blood May Run

04:52 am - 22.01.2021

Syrgja Journal Entry I

After the events of today I have decided to keep a journal. Today was the 4th day of the Lifebloom Festival in Sherborne Today I decided I would go down and enjoy myself. Maybe find some food. I found food. Fish and cookies are a good combo. ...

09:37 pm - 21.01.2021

Session 1: The Lifebloom Festival

06:02 am - 15.01.2021

Session 1: The Lifebloom Festival

01:13 am - 15.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Syrgja.