Zor The Second Age Timeline
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The Second Age

The Era of Conquest

301 SA 860 SA

An era marked by the birth of great nations and the wars between them

  • 332 SA

    Founding of Aeuz

    Cazaal rises to power in Choutal and begins conquering the surrounding territories to form the Kingdom of Aeuz.

  • 351 SA

    Aeuz becomes an Empire
    Political event

    Aeuz is reorganized as an empire following its expansion across the Northern Continent .

  • 860 SA

    Aeuz Makes Peace
    Era beginning/end

    The Aeuzian Empire ends the Veruun-Khaeol wars by conquering a swath of land down to the Azure sea, creating a defacto neutral zone between the two countries.

The Era of Awakening

861 SA and beyond

An era of increasing planar activity and volatility

  • 875 SA

    1 Firstharvest

    Shadowquick Party Founded

    Six shipwreck survivors wake up in Saltmarsh and begin their adventures together.

  • 876 SA

    1 Sunfall

    Death of Titivillus
    Life, Death

    The High Seas Ass Kickers fight and kill Titivillus

    More reading
  • Winter of 906 SA
    The Shattering of the Dale

    A group of adventurers opposes and destroys The Frostmaiden, lifting her endless winter, but with far-reaching consequences.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    Icewind Dale
  • 906 SA

    27 Frostfall

    Illythrin Unsealed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Sapphire Pact breaks open the Rimewall Glacier and reactivates Illythrin's Mythosphere, releasing a wave of extraplanar energy across all of Zor.

    Icewind Dale