The Outer Regions Geographic Location in World 20 - 6 | World Anvil

The Outer Regions


The collective term for the regions of the Mistlands outside the towns of Mōmokuteki, American Town and German Town. The Outer Regions primarily consists of dense forests and woodlands, rocky gorges and desolate plains. Inhabited largely by various mythological and pseudo-mythological creatues, The Outer Regions as a whole are largely inhospitable to human life.

Fauna & Flora


Plant life within the Outer Regions is mostly analogous to the plant life found in the areas surrounding the towns on earth. There are a few key differences in the forms of mutated plant life that has developed animalistic capabilities, such as fully-functioning eyes and ears, as well as plant life that is capable of uprooting itself and moving around.

  Additionally, there are areas of the Outer Regions that are bioluminescent in nature, or otherwise produce illumination of a strange nature.



Three species (and one subspecies) of mythological creature can be found in The Mistlands. These creatures have been drawn from the collective cultural memories of the inhabitants of the nearby towns, and have been given life by a combination of The Light's energy and the energies of the pocket dimension that The Mistlands was created as a part of.    Baku   Tatzelwurm   Feral Tatzelwurm   Thunderbird     In addition to the above species of mythological creatures, there are numerous species of more mundane wildlife such as moose, deer, fish etc. from the areas that surround the towns in the real world.   There are also a number of species that exist as a blurring of the line between flora and fauna. These plant-animal hybrids can be found in all areas of the outer regions, with some less-aggressive species being found in small numbers within the borders of the towns.

Alternative Name(s)
Die Äußeren Regionen, 外側の地域 Sotogawa no chiiki.
Characters in Location


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