Cave of the Damned Geographic Location in World 20 - 6 | World Anvil

Cave of the Damned

This cave, located between Lansing and Mōmokuteki, is distinguished from other caves by an array of skulls and other bones outside the mouth, as well as the dull red light that emanates from within. Any and all plant life within ~20m of the cave mouth appears shrivelled and dead yet somehow continues to grow and spread. Smaller animals are able to enter and exit the cave freely. This is due to the corruptive effects of the cave not affecting these creatures due to said creatures not possessing the requisite mental capacity to be affected. Higher orders of sentience, such as that possessed by humans, is required to be affected. Humans that enter the cave do not leave. Within the cave is a leak from the nexus of corrupting energy under the lighthouse that strips them of their personality and higher reasoning. At the deepest point of the cave all those who have previously disappeared sit in concentric circles around an ornately-carved font containing the nexus, which appears as a pool of dark water to those who view it. The oldest victims sit closest to the font, with the most recently-corrupted arrayed around the outside. As more people enter the cave, the central cavern grows to accommodate the increasing numbers. The people in the central cavern do not appear to notice or react to any intruders, unless the intruder attempts to touch the font. Upon touching the font, all victims will immediately lurch to life, grab the offenders and attempt to forcibly submerse them within the corruptive energies of the font.
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