White Reach (Planet)

Planetary Information

  • System Position: Fourth
  • Jump Point Distance: 6.15 days
  • Moons: 2 (Ava and Brexi)
  • Surface Gravity: 0.95
  • Atmopsheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
  • Equatorial Temperature: 28°C Average
  • Surface Water: 64%
  • Highest Native Life: Mammalian
  • Capital: White Reach
  • Population: 5.5 billion
  • USILR Code: B/B/D/A/C
  • Technological Sophistication: B
  • Industrial Development: B
  • Raw Material Dependence: D
  • Industrial Output: A
  • Agricultural Dependence: C
  • HPG Representative: Class B

General History

When the Terran Hegemony expanded its search for new planets, the Phalan system was scouted and determined to have three viable colony candidates. Each one had its own particular challenges, requiring different styles and intensities of terraforming processes. When colonists were expanding into new planets within the Federation of Skye in the mid-22nd century, Phalan IV was selected as it would require the shortest time being prepared. Terraforming facilities were quickly placed on the planet to change the atmospheric composition and ensure it could support habitation with a minimum of advanced technology. After another two centuries of hard work eliminating toxic trace elements from the water cycle and raising the average temperature ten degrees (centigrade), colonists were given a green light to begin their journey. On May 23rd, 2340, the first DropShip of colonists and equipment landed on the southern portion of the Pelea Continent to lay claim to the planet. Drawing inspiration from the field of white grass which was the chosen landing zone, the first settlement was named "White Reach".

Of course, just because the planet was habitable and the terraforming was considered "finished" by the planetary engineers who had been working on it, it didn't mean there were no hardships. Native flora proved to be edible, but trace elements still present caused a rather severe sickness known as "Blanching" which was not exactly life-threatening but the effects were very disturbing. Furthermore, as one neared the polar regions the average temperature dropped considerably. The planned location for agricultural focus thus was devoted to heartier Terran-native plants which helped prove the terraforming process for the soil enrichment had been quite well-done. Similarly, within a decade grazing land had been established for herds of cattle, sheep, and goats to solve the desire for meat proteins. Even so, it was the work of an entire generation to settle the question (positively) of whether the colony would be able to sustain itself.

After sustainability had been reached, surveyors moved to the Orenn Continent in search of viable mine sites. The wealth of minerals and ores here drove the rapid expansion and proliferation of industries both native to the planet and off-world companies investing in the facilities to claim the wealth of the planet's resources. This growth continued even into the 30th century, slowing only due to new regulations being put into place in an attempt to avoid serious damage to the ecosystem. As one of the rarer terran-style planets which has been colonized, it was determined it would be a shame to ruin it as badly as some others had been during the Succession Wars and the industrial demand for military development.


There are four major continents which exist on White Reach, each one viable for supporting life or industry yet only two have been settled with major population centers. In addition, two major landmasses have been called "islands", despite one of those arguably able to be considered a small continent on its own; the sparse population of those locations has not made the issue one which has been raised often enough to be considered.

Southern Pelea

The second-largest landmass on the planet, Southern Pelea is where the first colonists chose to land and where the capital of White Reach is situated. The majority of its landmass is in the southern hemisphere, and is dominated by the urban sprawl which is the capital. The city spans almost entirely from the western coast to the eastern coast of Southern Pelea, and almost to the southern coastline as well. Notable landmarks within the city itself are the Founder's Field, the Great Galleria, and the White Reach Starport.
The lands between the southern coast and the capital city limits are in the antarctic region and consist of lowlands which partially flood with the tide. Most of these lowlands have fossil fuel processing plants dotting the landscape on platforms which hold small settlements for workers and their families. The largest refinery platform belongs to Tidal Energy, and produces roughly 65% of the fossil fuel consumed by the population over the course of a year.
North of the capital in the equatorial region, the land tends to humid forests or savannah. The Cypra Wetlands are known to be an extensive portion of this area of the continent, and the shoreline has more than a few coves which have become either vacation stops or have been claimed by senators as their personal retreats. The most well-known of these is Coral Cove, where Baroness Elizabeth Wallings currently resides.
Along the eastern side of the landmass are agriculturally-focused settlements who are part of the Donomo Collective. The proper Donomo Farms take up a large portion of the sub-antarctic region, and are responsible for half the produce consumed by residents of White Reach.

Northern Pelea

The northern part of Pelea is connected by 'Antas', a thin, mostly-barren isthmus to the southern portion. While technically its own district with regards to the Common Senate, the population is largely limited to small homesteads who prefer the dry climate or quarry workers. The Schrade Highlands take up a large portion of Northern Pelea, and are a source of a great many gemstones and precious minerals. Cramer Canyon, a settlement centered around a small spaceport, is the most highly populated settlement on Northern Pelea.
One major draw for off-planet tourists is the Smoky Palace, built in the 28th century from locally-mined stone and treated to acquire a smoky appearance from which its name is derived. It remains uninhabited, as many White Reach residents regard it as an attempt to cultivate a tourist trap. Schrade residents, however, regard it as proof there can exist more classical architecture on the planet.


The smallest of the continents, Jedora is dominated by arable land and small-scale farming businesses. The Sprawl Valley Agricultural Group prefers to rely on organic farming methods, providing a lower yield than Donomo Farms but remaining prestigious to higher society members. Three notable other regions on the continent are Wildstorm Valley, the Durent Hills, and Greyglass Retreat.
Wildstorm Valley is located in the southern subtropic area of the continent, and is known for the weather being prone to kick up violent thunderstorms. While there are residents of the area, they tend to live below ground in underground settlements and are regarded as "crazy Wildstormers" by residents elsewhere. A few of these settlements are devoted to producing food via hydroponic and aeroponic methods. The yield is, naturally, considerably smaller than surface farms, yet it is enough to help sustain the Wildstorm settlers.
The Durent Hills are a gentle set of hills which are overgrown with forests and the focus of a sustainable forestry initiative recently pushed through the Common Senate. The residents there tend to cluster into settlements rather than spread out, intent on preventing any greater disruption of the forest than has happened on other continents such as Orenn or Lucent.
Located on the western coastline of Jedora, Greyglass Retreat is a prestigious location sought after by senatorial aides and junior Senators. This reputation has risen considerably in the last few decades, after residents began to adapt to such a reputation and embrace it. A small settlement, it is dominated by a few larger hotel buildings and dedicated beachfront properties. Due to the location in the tropical climate, it is warm enough year-round to draw vacationing natives from across the planet. Off-planet tourists, however, are usually directed to the visually appealing Obsidian Beach on Lucent, however.


The largest single landmass on the planet, Orenn also is home to most of the mineral wealth. The Holfield Mine, the Castellan-Beta Refinery, and the Fredrickson Delves are all located here and are more than enough to support the steady expansion of the capital city. The side-effects of these businesses is the deteriorating environment, resulting in mostly-dry and sparsely-forested stretches being the normal for Orenn. Furthermore, the Lind Badlands seem to be expanding eastward according to studies in the last two decades. This doesn't seem to bother most residents, as Orenn is lacking major settlements beyond those for laborers and their families.
The only major area which is visited by those not living on Orenn is Pierson Lake and its outlying area. This lake is formed in an apparent volcanic caldera, and the bright blue water is decidedly non-potable even if the clarity allows one to see down to considerable depths from the air. Volcanic rock has been drawn from the area, but due to toxic elements which were released during one of the larger excavations, any further activities of this sort are on indefinite hold until an impact study can be completed.


Home to Vernier City, Lucent is the second-most populated continent and home to those who for various reasons tend to feel disenfranchised with life in the capital. As such, they have settled more broadly across the continent instead of densely packing themselves into an urban sprawl. Several major districts here have more population than those on other continents, yet lack coherent focus in comparison; this has led to Lucent residents being considered "rebels with no rebellion", often openly.
The Grendich Downs are an unusual stretch of dry land in the southern subtropical zone, which are dominated by chalky-white mesas, electromagnetic interference, and dust storms which are hard on machinery. Despite that, there is also one of the few sources for heavy metals on the planet located in the area; as of yet there has been no company which has managed to build a viable complex to exploit it.
There are two prison complexes on the continent, Azali Penitentiary in the sub-antarctic and Garamoth Prison in the northern temperate band. Azali is known for being the only facility actually authorized to enact the death penalty or incarcerate "lifelong term" prisoners. Garamoth is seen as a correction facility for those who have more money or standing, with the average sentence length being ten to fifteen years.

Argeith Island

Located inside the arctic and sub-arctic regions, Argeith Island has many evergreen forests on it despite the cold weather. It also is home to the Argeith Distillery, which produces alcoholic beverages patterned after various whiskey styles. Due to the temperature tending to drop to exceptional levels in the winter months, the distillery and its attached living areas are the only permanent settlement on the island.

Emmetton Island

Roughly as large as Argeith Island, Emmetton is known for being almost completely untouched by development despite having a high concentration of mineral deposits discovered by the original colonial surveys. This is due to the Senators being vehemently exposed to allowing Castellan to underbid for their "Castellan Gamma" facility, and few other companies showing interest. Reportedly, there is an independent mining group working on the island producing high-carbon steel which is of comparable quality to most imports. The secretive nature of this group and the intervention of the current Senator have left their location off most industrial maps.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the planet's flora and fauna are descended from Terran stock, and have only superficial differences to those found on other worlds. Most native animal life has been crowded out, and the terraforming process used by the Hegemony engineers rendered most native flora extinct since the required trace minerals in the soil have been removed in over 74% of the planet's surface.

Natural Resources

White Reach as a planet is remarkably rich in minerals and ores necessary to industrialized society such as iron, bauxite, copper, cobalt, and so forth. There are also notable, though not rich, places where radioactive material and heavy metals can be mined. The only reason the resources have not been exploited as heavily hinges on the ruling government (first the Baroness and later the Senate) managing to present the planet as less favorable for the types of processes used elsewhere.
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