Syr Gavvan Grimbold Character in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Syr Gavvan Grimbold

The Unlucky; Canonized Hero of the Greyguards; A Now-Deceased First Age Demigod of Justice and False Fortune

Gavvan Grimbold was a First Age Greyguard of Uhrmaazd, mythical hero and eventual ascendant demigod of justice and false fortune on the backwater plane of Waking Materia. Some stories of his exploits remain popular in the Third Age and, despite his apparent death, he is still a subject of reverence among the Greyguards for his indefatigability and solemn devotion to justice.

The earliest confirmed stories of Grimbold tell of a veteran Greyguard running afoul of Kalevan resistance fighters during the Valamo-Nireauan Wars of the Middle Antediluvian Era, in Nireauan-occupied Valamon. Nicknamed Syr Gavvan Grimbold the Unlucky, he would stumble into dozens of conspiracies and armed conflicts throughout a long and often tragic life, eventually becoming a minor demigod of justice, persistence and false fortune.

As Nireauan texts rarely discussed ethnicity, The Unlucky's birth race is unknown; colonies of Rozsa are generally regarded to be some combination of humans, drow and enari in make-up.

Like his patron, Syr Gavvan Grimbold's alignment was very likely Lawful Neutral.  

Description & Heraldry

  See also: Greyguards Image Gallery


Resulting Hyperion Cults of Syr Gavvan were known for their practice of rescuing orphans from the direst orphanages, teaching them skills and giving them positions as squires, scribes, custodians and the like. Often the Gavvanite Greyguards (who were a match for anyone at following a lead) would even help an older recruit seek out their true family, if they decided they didn't want to stay in the order.

At any rate, Syr Gavvan’s un-luck finally caught up with him some centuries after his ascension, and he died, joining Solonn’s “pantheon” of formally Departed Gods. No one knows how. His clerics, paladins and oracles just knew he wasn’t “here” anymore.  


Syr Gavvan's Domain are no longer known, though as a dedicated Greyguard of Umbraas, his domains would have likely mirrored the Overbeing's, with perhaps an added emphasis on the duality of fortune & misfortune. His church's focus on the rescuing and recruitment of orphans may also indicate a focus on community and found families.  

Favoured Weapon

The Cursed Knight was known to carry a cutlass in one hand and a flintlock pistol in the other, named Frostbite and Flametongue, respectively.

Profile art credit: Suemi Jun
Banner art credit: Marc Simonetti

Cover image: by Marc Simonetti


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