Sebak Species in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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The monstrous crocodile men.

The Sebak people of Torrezon are a large crocodile like humanoid race, said to be descended from the God Sebakar.

Basic Information


Sebak are a large people, standing around 7 feet tall at full growth and weighing well over 300 pounds. They have two arms and two legs, a crocodile like head with massive jaws, and a tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sebak give birth to live young, often between 4-8 at a time. Pregnancy tends to last for 12 months (two Torrezon seasons).

Growth Rate & Stages

Sebak can grow at an alarmingly fast rate, as long as they can get enough food to sustain their growth, reaching full size in roughly 3 years if fed well. If undernourished, it can take as much as 10 years to reach adult size.

Ecology and Habitats

The Sebak are mostly looked down upon by the people of Torrezon, and are not widely accepted into their society. They live in massive river huts and underwater tunnels dug into the riverbed of the Flail Rivers called Dives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sebak are omnivorous, but prefer meat. They tend to hunt as crocodiles do, patiently waiting for prey in the water before striking and dragging the victim under the surface to be devoured. Dives tend to have large rooms dedicated to food storage. While they prefer fresh meat, they can eat meat as old as 3 months without suffering any ailment.

Biological Cycle

Sebak are largely unaffected by the changing of season, but they do shed their skin once a year, which can take up to two weeks to complete. They can remain fully active at this time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sebak tend to live in close-nit family tribes of about 20 or so, each of which belongs to a larger clan. Each clan controls one fork of the Flail Rivers and is ruled by a River Lord. The River Lord is the determined each and every year by a contest called The Bellows.

Facial characteristics

A large crocodilian head with a foot and a half to two foot long jaw filled with teeth. Smallish reptilian eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sebak are found almost entirely in the Flail River deltas of the Lower Basin of Torrezon. They live in the river flows itself, often on the outskirts of the major cities and farming communities.

Average Intelligence

Sebak tend to haev a lower intelligence that Humans, comparable to Orcs.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sebak can move as freely on land as in the water, with no movement penalties, and can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes at a time.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sebak are given only first names. They forgo last names, instead defining themselves by which of the three clans they were born into. In rare cases when one Sebak displays tremendous prowess or achieves a feat of greatness, they are given a last name to represent the event. Their names tend to be short, with male names ending in hard consonants and female names ending in soft 'th' and 'sh' sounds.   Male Names. Set of the North Fork, Fisk of the South Fork, Lek of the North Fork, Yunt the Ship Breaker. Female Names. Tith of the Middle Fork, Waith the Huntress, Vesh of the South Fork, Krish the Clan Mother.

Beauty Ideals

Among Sebak, few scars as seen as a sign of a great warrior who cannot be beaten in combat, and a scarless hide is considered the highest form of beauty.

Gender Ideals

While both males and females can obtain most roles in their society, only males are allowed to be River Lords.

Courtship Ideals

Sebak do not court.

Relationship Ideals

Sebak do not enter into relationships, and breed only to further their own kind. The only lasting relationship a Sebak has is to his family tribe and river fork clan.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Torrese, Sebish.

Common Etiquette Rules

Sebak etiquette bows to strength, even going so far as to completely ignore someone they consider to be weak, and nearly worshiping someone who proves to be stronger than them.

Common Dress Code

Sebak tend to dress in little to nothing, often only a loin cloth and perhaps a shoulder drape.

Common Taboos

Magic is considered a distasteful habit among the Sebak, often used only by the Priests of Sebakar only to communicate with their God.


The Sebak are said to be descended from the children of Sebakar himself. As the legend goes, when Humans first settled Torrezon, Sebakar called forth those whose hearts still burned with rage from their former enslavement. Upon swearing total, unyielding loyalty to the God, he changed and remade them in his image, turning them into the first Sebak. They were largely shunned by their still Human countrymen, considered abominations and a continuation of the reptilian rituals forced upon them by the Yuan ti. However, during the Yuan ti invasion that cased the First Collapse of The Valcoran Empire, the Sebak were invaluable in their vicious hatred of of the Yuan ti snake soldiers and Naga, killing so many that they gave up trying to invade from the Lower Basin all together.   After the First Collapse, as Humanity began to settle further and further into the continent, they came more and more into contact with the Sebak that dominated the Lower Basin. After a small war called The War of Scales, the Sebak were forced to surrender to the more unified Humans and were relegated to life along the Flail Rivers and within the salt marshes that grew along the coast.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While Sebak can interbreed with Humans and Elves, they rarely do due to finding them to be to soft and weak as mates.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
40 years.
Average Height
Average Weight
300 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Sebak are large humanoids and pride size and strength above all.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have scaled skin, in hues of light brown to green to blue. They have defining physical characteristics depending on which fork of the Flail Rivers they are born: North Fork Sebak have a row of prominent dorsal ridges along their backs and tail, Middle Fork Sebak have a more thin mouth, and South Fork Sebak have shorter, but thicker limbs and tail.
Related Ethnicities

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