Rashid Oil Material in Valtena | World Anvil

Rashid Oil

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The town was laid to blackened earth and charred remains despite its stone walls. Lord Elnaru and her verdant dragon Dirabaq landed in a great cloud of ash that shook the ground. Each wingbeat blasted the ground throwing timbers and embers aside. The townsfolk who remained stood fierce and determined in the face of death. They were but mere rats in size and threat next to Dirabaq.   "Kneel before your lord, and your deaths might be swift!" Lord Elnaru commanded.   Her turquoise scales were in sharp contrast against the black crown of horns about her head and the shining metal of her breastplate emblazoned with the king's emblem of a golden dragon. The small crowd remained defiant and brandished their pikes and swords.   "Never! Remember the fallen!" They cried.   Lord Elnaru showed her fangs in a wicked grin. She raised a hand to keep her dragon at bay. The beast growled, a low sound that shook men to the very core of their souls. When the lord opened her mouth next, it was not to speak. Fire spewed from her breath engulfing the crowd in flames. They ran and screamed, but nothing could quench the flames until they were reduced to ash and blackened bones.

For Dragon Lords Alone

This is rashid oil. Merchants like us are the only ones besides the dragon lords who can touch this. You must never speak about it, or the king's dragon is the least of your worries. Our clients are the dragon lords. It's their secret, and ours as specialty merchants. It has a nice scent, but don't touch it. It's a pain to get rid of, and the last thing you want is to accidentally burn your hand off. Some of them wear it in little vials, but only in private. It's playing with fire if you ask me, but I don't ask questions. And you have to keep it in these iron boxes out of sight, away from heat, don't stack, and you must never drop them. The jars are sturdy, but if one breaks, the whole shop goes up in flames.
Oil merchant

Breathing Fire

What you want to do is take the firestone, hold it with these tongs, and then dip it into the oil. Just make sure it's fully coated, then pull it out, put it on the cloth, and tie that off. You're going to want to wear gloves for this part. The oil is dangerous. Burn your scales off dangerous. Then, you pop it into your mouth like candy and bite down hard enough to break the stone. And then be ready. Your next breath is literally going to be on fire. It's incredible! You feel so powerful!
— A young dragon lord to a friend

Oil Before the Hunt

Drink this, and let the power of dragons flow through you. Receive their strength. Embrace their wisdom. Lord of the Skies, guide them closer to you. Keep them warm on their journey.
— Prayers of the Taqunib

Explosive Power

Careful with that jar! The smallest spark will make it an explode, and then you'll be lucky if that iron box protects you. No candles or torches anywhere near this stuff. And the crystal lantern costs more than a year of your wages. Years ago, back when I was a common hand like you, I saw a ship carrying this oil explode. A hundred jars or more. You couldn't find a splinter of that ship, and the sound and blast was enough to make all the horses spook even from half a league away.
— Oil merchant

A Forgotten Product

Since the downfall of Galag Rok and the Dragon Lords, producing rashid oil is all but forgotten. Only two villages remain that keep up the practice, and the oil they produce is seen as an alternative to whale oil. It lacks the memorable qualities of its predecessor. Some dragonfolk scholars, eager to rekindle their earlier glory, believe that the method of production is written down somewhere.
10 Ruby Fangs
Earthy, fruity
Related Locations
Related Species
Related Organization
Galag Rok
Related Rank
Dragon Lord
From rasha, when the plant used to grow on Zaurrniqibul prior to fungus decimating the crop and ending production on the island

Made by Rabbits

This oil is very special. It comes from the rashid plant which only grows in the eastern part of Akea. The rabbitfolk who live there plant, harvest, and refine the oil. I don't know the exact process, but it involves cold pressing the nuts. It must be refined while fresh, and it takes weeks and the right weather conditions to ship the oil from there to here. For us merchants, we require special permits from the dragon king to even possess the oil.
— Oil merchant

Storing Oil

Rashid oil is to be kept in jars made from Naoba Clay with the dimensions 2 Heb notches in radius at the base, 3.5 Heb notches at the widest point, and 1.5 Heb notches at the top inner opening. The clay thickness is to be 2 Car notches throughout. The neck is to be 7 Car notches long and 1 Heb notch in radius. The upper lip is to be 3.5 Car notches long. Soak bristle cork in water and cut to size, 3 Car notches thick, 1.5 Heb notches radius. Insert soaked cork into the jar. Let dry completely before transporting. Oil crates must be structured and padded with unflammable material. There must be 3 Car notches of padding between the jars and the crate wall.

Burning Oceans

Overripe fruits can be mashed and distilled over low heat which is then condensed to produce a secondary and more stable type of oil. It has a waxy consistency, and it's significantly less dense than water. It's just as flammable and will burn on top of water. Like its less stable counterpart, this oil is difficult to remove. To date, only one village knows how to produce this oil, and the process requires a large harvest for a relatively low yield.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Jul 6, 2023 19:04 by Drake Ragon

Usually, I am not a big fan of world building by prose. But, what way it is written and structured, it reads more like a newspaper or a manual / handbook I could imagine existing in the world. That is really nice to see - thanks for showing me that style.   Makes me want to polish at least one of my pages. I keep pushing that of times and times.

„You are so blinded by the present that you cannot be enlightened by the future.”
Aug 7, 2023 18:35 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I love this concept of the dragon lords tricking people into thinking they really have the power to breath fire thanks to this oil XD And that it's such a dangerous and unpractical oil too!

Aug 8, 2023 00:14 by Chris L

Very cool concept for giving people dragon breath!

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Aug 20, 2023 22:38 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I really like the presentation of this article - the individual perspectives are interesting and engaging.

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