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*insert map*


Major Regions

Windsong Mountains

The Windsong Mountains dominate the western portion of the continent. The mountain range is massive, and the center of the range with the highest peaks is impenetrable except by air. The dwarves live inside of the mountains and dig ever deeper into the land. It's a harsh landscape softened only by the foothills around it.


The island of Zaurrniqibul lies almost directly between Kos and Akea and is surrounded by the Dragon Sea. Though not particularly fertile, the land is rich in natural resources and excellent for animal husbandry which the dragonfolk rely on to feed themselves, and at one time, their dragons.

The Basin

The gentle rolling hills of The Basin provide ample farmland. There are forests that dot the landscape. Several islands lie just off shore from the Basin. Compared to the mountains, The Basin appears almost flat. It's easy to traverse but also prone to drastic changes in weather particularly in the interior.

Minor Regions

North Akea

The northern coast of Akea lies between the Windsong Mountains and Zaurrniqibul. The region is known for being extremely windy and difficult to reach due to the strong currents that pass by the area. Port cities dot the landscape, and the land just north of the mountains is heavily forested.


The western part of the continent lies south of the Vedrik River, east of the Great Southern Ocean, and west of the Windsong Mountains. It's a fairly sheltered area with birdfolk who mostly farm along the slopes and rabbitfolk who live far from their homeland in The Basin. It was the place where humans first landed, and from time to time, the currents that run along the coast bring in surprises.

The Foothills

Even though the foothills technically describe all the land around the mountains, they are mostly known for being the southern part of the continent which is inhabited by catfolk. They are heavily isolated from the rest of the world and are likely to be related to the catfolk in Izetta. The cold forests don't allow for much agriculture, and the region is known for being hard to live in except for hunters and loggers.


Western Akea

The mountains of Akea are cold and sparse. Even in summer, they are known to be windy with any foliage having to adapt to harsh conditions. Spring and autumn are rainy with the risk for mudslides and avalanches. The foothills fair better but are still generally quite cool and rainy.

Eastern Akea

The Basin has four distinct seasons with generally long growing seasons. The weather can vary greatly throughout the year, and it's known for its hot summers, frigid winters, vibrant springs, and brisk autumns. 


The island is known for its warm and tropical climate despite the land being mostly grassy. Hurricanes regularly sweep across the island, and those who live there are well suited towards withstanding intense tropical storms.

Flora & Fauna

Windsong Mountains

Rabbits are commonly found in the mountains feeding on the grasses and shrubs that can survive in the harsh conditions. Norvu compete with the birdfolk for prey, and the mountain springs are rich with small Plini fish and Frost crabs. Silver pine and Tinsel Spruce grow well in the mountains, and their wood is highly sought after.


The dense forests of the Foothills are known for the hardwood trees such at Kingwood, White Ash, and Durlit. Rikker deer are a common sight feeding on fallen berries, and the Gambler Weasel can be commonly found hunting during the winter. The catfolk primarily hunt Kaia pigs which can also be used for finding Louri nuts and Pink Morels.

The Basin

Ring-necked gazelle and Koeyti are common sights grazing in the Basin. Each winter, the land is flushed red for a few days when the Bara del Yonat bloom, and when spring comes, massive flocks of Kavanak blacken the skies.


The island of Zaurrniqibul is known for tall Gallows Grass that sounds like moaning on a windy day. Laceback Frogs live along the coasts and are the only marine frog native to Akea. The summer is prone to infestations of Stink beetles and Harlequin fire ants.

Natural Resources

Windsong Mountains

Both above and below ground, the mountains are rich in natural resources. Nearly all the water from the continent originates from the mountains, and the dwarves are able to thrive off their exports of Nordimite and magic crystals. Ice violets are prized for their medicinal properties, and Hooper Hares are considered a delicacy abroad.

The Basin

The basin is most well known for its fertile soil. A wide variety of crops can be grown in the region such as the Rashid Plant. Fruit trees grow well in the basin, and the Pilo fruit, Gorgon squash, and Tibari rose are unique exports from the region.


The island is surrounded by rich fishing grounds, and underneath, the land is full of ore and gemstones. Gold and silver is common in the area, and it doesn't take significant mining to be able to find it. Due to this, the island is surprisingly rich, and the dragonfolk have easily been able to sate their desire to hoard. The tough grasses are great for herding, and goats and cows are a common export.


Windsong Mountains

The mountains are dominated by dwarves and birdfolk who share the region peacefully. The dwarves originate from inside the mountains and most rarely venture out to the surface. They have their own clans, kingdoms, and politics afar removed from most other beings. The birdfolk are similarly reluctant to interact with others and live in eyries up in the mountain peaks. They hunt for prey and help guard the mountains from invaders. The dragonfolk used to send their young to the mountain in search of a dragon to bond to, but since the end of the dragon kings, that practice has faded into obscurity, and the mountains remain an imposing force.

The Basin

The basin is home to the beastfolk, in particular, the ratfolk and rabbitfolk. They live peacefully together. Centaurs have migrated down to Akea from Kos and have integrated well into life in the basin. The many bands live semi-nomadic lives with cities only appearing during festivals when they all gather together. Akea has become a refuge for the centaurs. 


The largest island nestled between Kos and Akea is home to the dragonfolk and kobolds. It remains the largest and densest concentration of dragonfolk, and they are reluctant to permit others to get too close to their secrets. The port cities are the most diverse with traders from both continents, but the interior of the island remains home to only draconids. Kobolds are still seen as second class citizens, though slavery is much rarer in practice. 


First Creation

At the beginning of history, the gods walked the world among their creations. Qazakthein and Ateus ruled the skies side by side, and Larena and Zyrdolros walked the land. Hathchan the Exiled hid within the mountains tinkering and hammering with only the dwarves for company. The rabbitfolk and ratfolk lived peacefully together learning to till the land and fish from the rivers. For many years, all was well, and there was peace across the continent.   But then, the storms came, and it rained for days and nights. The skies were black lit only by Qazakthein's lightning. The winds howled, and the seas became a tempest that drowned the world. Those that could fled to the safety of high ground in the foothills of the mountains, and the ocean pounded at the rocks. The storms continued until Qazakthein, husband of the Selene, soothed his wife and brought the seas back to peace. He pulled the sun closer to dry the land, and when he was done, a vast new region east of the mountains was revealed. This became known as The Basin.   The ratfolk were the first to explore following Zyrdolros in his desire to explore. The rabbitfolk soon followed, and they found fertile land well suited to them, and they began to settle in small villages throughout the region. The dwarves lived in clans beneath the mountains, but for everyone else, they lived far apart in villages harvesting only what they needed from the land.

Age of First Strife

They were able to live like that for some time, until one day, humans washed up on the shore as refugees from Evirs far the west. They had naught but the skin on their backs, and at first, the beastfolk who lived there tried to welcome them into their homes and show them how to survive. The humans were strange hairless creatures, and they soon chose to create their own settlements. More and more washed up bringing with them sickness and the Blight. They spoke of a lush land far across the sea where they had empires that lasted for ages. They spoke of a massive dragon who once hunted there and cursed the land in his dying breath. But the beastfolk knew little and believed the humans to be blameless.   The humans brought with them greed, and they built towns with walls and spikes to keep away outsiders. They forged weapons from iron and hunted like squirrels putting extra food and water away in huts for later. And when they couldn't hunt, they stole. Raiding parties took what wasn't theirs, but without weapons, there was no way to get them back. This went on for some years, and the beastfolk tired of it. They agreed unanimously to send the humans away. They were no longer welcome on Akea. They built them boats and drove them off to find another place to call home. Up and down the coast, the humans were turned away forced to journey farther north to new and distant lands.   But, in their wake, sickness and famine followed. Crops failed, and many died in the following decades. As resources dwindled, those who remained became jealous and guarded their resources more closely. They took from the weak and used their teeth and claws to fight one another. And so, strife became known on Akea. They learned to blame each other for their woes, and the gods formed new portals to their realms in the desperate hope that their creations who had once been so kind would turn back to their makers and learn to cooperate once again. But the portals became signs of providence and power to those who held them. Fights continued, and the gods were helpless to change things for the better.

The Walls Go Up

Cities were built for the first time as those who had the most could amass more power. The dwarves retreated deeper into their mountains halls until one day, they emerged following a prophet who called himself the Sun King. He built his city in the foothills and proclaimed the greatness of the sun. He was blessed with golden hair and a golden beard unlike any seen before.   The birdfolk were disturbed by this and waged war against the dwarves, but in their loss, they found themselves divided. Some enjoyed living in the foothills and had taken up farming to sustain themselves. But the rest claimed to be purer and moved their eyries even higher into the mountain peaks. In The Basin, the ratfolk suffered a strange malady, a sickness that drove them mad enough to attack their own. Their bodies warped and twisted until they were barely recognizable, and the first Demoniacs were formed on Akea.   The centaurs came down from the north. They received a cold reception for looking like humans, but they were different. They sought safety for their families and only ate the grass to sustain themselves. They built no towns or cities with walls preferring to live as nomads. And so, they found themselves more welcome on Akea and lent their strength and speed to the rabbitfolk and ratfolk without complaint.

Era of the Dragon Kings

The dragonfolk lived on the island of Zaurrniqibul and in the northern reaches of the continent. There, a young dragonfolk named Otarrak who was a herder in the mountains saved the life of a white dragon. He became the first dragon lord and declared himself King of the Dragonfolk without a drop of blood spilled. With his dragon at his side, he established Galag Rok and started the Era of the Dragon Kings. The kings that followed him began expanding their control into mainland Akea particularly to claim land so that their sons could go on dragon hunts and find dragons to bond with.   At first, the prospective dragon lords could bring servants with them, kobold slaves in particular. When a kobold became the first one of his kind to bond to a dragonet, he was killed sparking the First Dragon War. The conflict remained mostly contained to Zaurrniqibul and the northernmost reaches of the mainland. It ended with a crushing defeat for the kobolds, and some fled further east to the islands north of the Basin for safety and freedom. The Dragon Kings aided by their dragons were able to conquer much of Akea and Kos to bring into their empire. They subjugated all, but they ended many conflicts, too. For centuries, they ushered in a strange golden age when they ruled distantly but united the world under their banner. But the beastfolk of the Basin resented being seen as lesser and revolted in what became known as the Second Dragon War. Both sides fought fiercely, and the Basin burned. Across the sea, the people of Kos allied with the beastfolk and joined in the fight. The war lasted for a long fifty years and only ended with the death of Hasku King.   Temkera became the next Dragon King with the promise of ending the war and recognizing the Basin as an independently governed region within Galag Rok's empire. However, she tightened control over Kos and established alke which were given to each dragon lord to rule in the king's behalf. Dragons became commonplace throughout the two continents, and for generations, Galag Rok ruled unopposed.

Recent History

However, internal disunity and overexpansion left the empire overstretched, and the humans and elves started pushing for independence against the dragon overlords. Tensions grew for years until the Dragon LordElnaru slaughtered a town in what became known as the Massacre of the Innocents. This united the people under the rallying cry "Remember the Fallen" and marked the beginning of the @third. There was a notable effort to focus on killing the dragons and dragon lords, and the beastfolk of the Basin joined in their effort and refused to export goods to the dragonfolk instead sending what they could across the sea to aid the humans and elves. The war ended with the death of countless dragons, and Galag Rok collapsed as a country.   Following the end of the war, there was a return to smaller settlements with only towns and villages dotting the landscape. But it wasn't long before countries formed along racial lines. The birdfolk and dwarves closed off the Windsong Mountains from most visitors and retreated as best they could. But most recently, a few humans have once again landed on the shores of Akea. Though they primarily keep the northern coast, some have attempted to cross deeper into the continent and were never heard from again. The interior of Akea prefers to keep to itself.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species
Related Materials


Akea comes from Intawen meaning "east". The word iss descended from the proto root *aga meaning sun. It was first discovered by sailors from Intawenshevis who caught the southern ocean current to the region now known as Bazerala.

No Humans Here

Following the Death of Durgurath, humans fleeing from their homes in Evirs first landed on Akea. With them, they brought the Blight and began what is known as the Age of First Strife. They were banished from the continent and turned away at every port. Since then, there have never been any human settlements on Akea. Some merchants are now permitted onto the shores, but they remain confined to city limits. Akea is for the beastfolk, and the people who live there are determined to keep it free from human influence as much as they can.

Never Invaded, Allegedly

One of the nicknames for the continent is "The Feral South" due to the high concentration of beastfolk in the region. Even the elves aren't able to establish settlements in Akea, and the dwarves primarily keep to themselves in their mountain halls. The rest of the continent is only inhabited by beastfolk and draconids. In Kos, they are often seen as less civilized due to the bestial appearance, but the reality couldn't be further from the truth.

The Feral South

During the Era of the Dragon Kings, the dragonfolk from Zaurrniqibul controlled mainland Akea and much of Kos. However, this isn't seen as an invasion because the island is typically assumed to be a part of Akea rather than a separate region despite sitting almost perfectly between the two continents. Due to this, the people of Akea proudly claim that they were never invaded and have successfully repulsed any would be invaders.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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