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Written by Maida Kolchek

Detailed map of Evirs
  Once the center of the world, Evirs is now a shadow of its former self. A great unpenetrable desert consumes the center of the continent, and each year, the desert grows a little bigger. The lands that are still habitable may as well be worlds apart. The islands north of the continent may be well populated, but the waters are full of dangers above and below the waves.


Major Regions

Fenveikuria Archipelago

Situated north of the continent, the Fenveikuria Archipelago is one of the only regions of the continent untouched by the Blight. The islands range from warm tropical beaches and palm trees to frigid icy rocks in the northernmost reaches. It's bustling with life and trade, but piracy also poses a serious problem in the region.

The Great Expanse

Nearly half of the mainland is a vast and desolate desert. There are few creatures that can survive such a hostile climate, and The Great Expanse is too large to cross overland. The orange sand is said to be tainted by the blood of a dead dragon. These blighted lands hold the source of the continent's woes, but none can venture deep enough to find it.

Redaska Mountains

Stretching along the western side of the continent, the Redaska Mountains cut off the Hamehara Peninsula from the rest of the continent. They seem to create a western boundary to The Great Expanse, and there are hardly any natural passes over the mountains. The peaks are steep and jagged, but the rivers around it keep the land green and habitable.

Boushkar Plains

Once, the Boushkar Plains stretched across most of Evirs. The flat grassland offers little protection from the weather, but many nations calls it home. The land is known for its rich soil and underground rivers. A vast cave network stretches out underneath the plains that's completely invisible unless one knows where to look.

Minor Regions

Hamehara Peninsula

The Hamehara Peninsula forms the westernmost edge of the continent and stretches the length of the Gulf of Hamehara. The land is heavily forested and offers a small hint at the sort of climate and environment that Evirs used to be. Magic in the region seems to be protecting it from the worst effects of the blight.


Known primarily for being dominated by hills and cool grasses, Izetta is a small region in the southwestern part of Evirs. It's protected by the Redaska mountains to the northwest and ends at the Borei River to the northeast. Traders from Izetta are the only way to make contact across the southern part of Evirs.

Western March

Between the Redaska Mountains and The Great Expanse, a few people have been able to settle the Western March. This territory shrinks slowly but steadily as the desert grows ever larger. The land is still fertile thanks to the rivers running down from the mountains, but it's clear where they turn into muddy creeks and dry up at the edge of the desert.

Eastern March

The southern and eastern edges of the desert make up the Eastern March. Life here is brutal, and those banished to the Eastern March rarely survive for more than a couple generations. The land is tainted preventing crops from growing adequately, and there are few streams that cross the land. The dying grass is a perpetual reminder of the blight's reach.


Historical record suggests that there used to be a time when the climate of Evirs was mild. There was a long growing season suitable for many crops, summers along the coast were cool and pleasant, and the winters never reached any extremes. Those days are long gone, and now, the entire continent is swept by extreme temperatures swings. Winters are harsh and cold, and the summers are ferociously hot. The coasts are ravaged by storms in autumn, and most years, there are sudden blizzards or thunder storms with tornadoes in late spring.

Flora & Fauna

Western Evirs

The lush regions west of the desert teem with life. Tigers stalk the dense forests, and brightly colored Yadulu Parrots and Poroporo Toucans dominate the canopies. The Hamehara peninsula is also home to the rare Vinkamo, a type of gliding mammal. Oro Penguins commonly reside on the small islands in the gulf and hunt Basara Fish which come to the area to breed.

Redaska Mountains

The Redaska mountains are home to a few colonies of birdfolk. Grapum Moss grows plentifully on the sheer rocks, and Rishdin goats clamber up and down the near vertical surfaces. Harpies also live high in the mountains, and Kwaptak pose a serious thread to any nests.

Central Evirs

Few creatures are able to survive in the desert. Copper snakes are common around the edges of the desert, and travelers further inland report seeing Sand Wyverns and Blood Voles which feed on Bloodroots and Gwipak berries. Tumbledown bushes roll across the hot sand, and Murr Owls make their nests in the thorny bushes.

Eastern Evirs

The land is dominated by Feria grass and is well suited to herds of Launda and Zork deer. Large wildcats stalk through the tall grass. Maida hawks soar overhead, and flocks of thousands of Irvi blacken the skies. Along the easternmost shores, Shuri bloom in early spring and coat the landscape blue.

Fenveikuria Archipelago

The archipelago is known for its biodiversity. A wide range of plants can be found on the islands that don't exist anywhere else, and the warm waters around the islands are home to many fish, sharks, and dolphins. Taroutesa Island became especially well known for growing Nologo whose seeds can be ground into spice, and the dried leaves used for pigment.

Natural Resources

Most of the continents exports come from the archipelago. Within the continent, the caverns below the Boushkar Plains are known for Sobridi and Fandalite deposits. Red Sand from The Great Expanse is highly valued by glassblowers, but the resource remains difficult to obtain despite being plentiful. The Redaska Mountains are known for producing iron in the north and copper, gold, and silver along the southern part of the range.


Most of Evirs is sparsely populated. Orcs and Centaurs can be found on the Boushkar Plains. A few tribes of dwarves live in the Redaska Mountains with birdfolk occupying the mountains above ground. Elves and humans primarily inhabit the Fenveikuria Archipelago. Catfolk traders come from Izetta.


The Early Years

In the beginning, Evirs was a colorful and beautiful land. The gods had no need for their own realms, and they walked freely among their creations. Dione taught the orcs to be fierce defenders against the mighty beasts that walked the land. Selene played in the protected waters of the bay with her mermaids. Ril gathered the humans close and taught them to make the most of life. Khemina counted the stars and taught the lizardfolk to dream of what was beyond.   But in time, the gods left, and innocence faded from everyone's eyes. In 80 AG, Parnurian I declared himself King of Men and demanded that everyone else recognize his authority. Any who opposed him were killed or beaten. He declared his infant son, Parnurian II as the Prince of Men. Parnurian I founded Parnassus, the first city of men and capital city of his new kingdom, Intawenshevis. Over the next seventy years, the kingdom grew into an empire as the army conquered all who lived on Evirs. Even the dwarves fell to the great empire.   The only lands they couldn't claim belonged to Durgurath's territory. He forbade humans from stepping foot into his realm, but decade after decade, they grew more numerous. Lissiter the Judge swore to the great dragon that no matter how far the empire stretched, they would never encroach on his territory. And so that vow remained for the remainder of his bloodline. But, by the time of Oseanos, Intawenshevis ruled the continent and had for generations. He encouraged the farmers to settle along the edges of Durgurath's hunting grounds. And so, the empire began to encroach on the great dragon's territory. Over the years, they continued to spread deeper, and this angered the dragon. He attacked their settlements and became known as Durgurath, the Dreaded Flame.   Finally, under the last emperor of Intawenshevis, Tserkanaos, an order was given to slay the dragon, and whoever succeeded would be richly rewarded. Soldiers poured into the territory and thousands died at the dragon's teeth and claws. But the promise of gold and titles motivated even the peasants to try their luck.

After Durgurath

The Death of Durgurath shook the continent to its core. Over the next fifty years, the land began dying having been poisoned by the dragon's blood. This marked the beginning of the blight that still plagues the continent. It's said that Durgurath's skeleton remains at the heart of The Great Expanse, but no one has been able to confirm it. The humans fled east and north. They set sail for distant shores and weren't seen again for over a millennia.   Those who remained, mostly orcs, hobgoblins, and centaurs retreated to the eastern plains. The great forests that once peppered the land died out as a result of the blight. The dwarves closed off their borders and hid in their mountain halls. The hobgoblins were the first to find the caves beneath the plains and began building settlements deep underground.   Alas, as the blight spread and resources became scarce, competition for what remained increased and intensified. Gorgar the Great unified the orc clans under one banner and built an empire that spanned the southern part of the Boushkar Plains. Within fifteen years, he became the greatest leader on the continent with an army that could drink rivers dry. But the desert continued to expand, and after his death, the empire was split between his three sons, Bakrash, Zhakmut, and Maptag. The land that became known as the Eastern March suffered several years of famine, and Maptag killed Zhakmut for his land before waging war against Bakrash who had received the territory furthest from the desert. Maptag died in battle, and the tribes splintered once again.


In 319 IA, the first Otorim ships arrived on Taroutesa Island and began colonizing the Fenveikuria Archipelago. The empire spread out engaging in trade throughout the region and even with cities on the northern shores of the Boushkar Plains. Otorveia initially brought much needed peace and stability to the archipelago because their navy was well equipped to deal with pirates who once terrorized merchants. They offered protection in exchange for trade and settlement contracts. In 445 IA, the emperor Calen Salros died, and Zeferon Salros ascended the throne. He tightened control over the region and increased exports. This strengthened his popularity in Kos, but ultimately built up resentment among the colonials and existing countries in the archipelago. In 479, the people of Taroutesa Island aided by Waisal mercenaries stormed The Bastion, a military fort on the island, and sparked the beginning of the Fenveikuria Civil War.


  • Evirs
    Detailed map of Evirs
Alternative Name(s)
Evira, Dagszod, Liaumawe, Vaz dan Loh, Niikniiktu
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


Evirs comes from the Intawen words evir and -s meaning "our origin". It's descended from the proto root *evr meaning home, origin. The name is in reference to Evirs being the ancestral homeland of humans.

By Sea or By Air

Travelling to Evirs from Kos or Akea is difficult. The ocean currents allow travel between Kos and the Fenveikuria Archipelago, but Akea is almost entirely cut off from the continent. The currents along the southern coast pass by eastern Akea. The only other option is by air, but most birdfolk struggle to make the long flight as it requires days of travel without easy access to food. A tropical storm in the right direction has made it possible for some, and others end up surviving shipwrecks in the attempt to sail across the ocean.  

A Divine Paradise

Before the Death of Durgurath, the land was green and vibrant. Food and water was plentiful, and there were resources and space enough for everyone to live in peace and harmony. The gods walked among us then teaching us how to survive in this world. They called out to us by name, and we listened to their words. There was beauty and bounty from the land, and we were safe from all harm. Once we had learned all of their lessons, the gods left us and trusted us to continue living in their example. Just like you will one day leave and make your own path in the world. Life then was good, and there was no hate or corruption in the world.
— An orc mother to her child

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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