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From Incador's Book of Beasts

The Shepherd and Lord of Death gathered up mud and sticks and formed Man. He blessed them with a short life and the ambition to seek greater rewards. He created them to be many so that Man would never be alone. He set them in the world where they would thrive with food to hunt and gather and water enough to drink. They formed themselves into family groups, and Ril walked among them.
Black Tome of the Undying
  Humans are one of the most common sapient species in the world. They were created by Ril and among the first species to receive Fate's divine breath. Humans are known for spreading out far and wide. They've touched nearly every part of the world and were the first species to create large empires.

Basic Information


Humans follow a basic bipedal body plan with a head possessing the primary sensory organs and nerve centers, a torso containing the remaining important body organs, and attached to the torso are four limbs. Two are designed for walking and two for grasping. They come in a variety of skin colors ranging from pale to brown. They lack any kind of markings or even the color variations of other species. By and large, they produce very little hair with the majority concentrated on the head. They have external ears that lack independent movement. Human faces are very flat, and they must pull things closer to their faces with their hands.  

Life Stages


For the first year of life, infant humans are entirely dependent on other members of the species for survival. They are generally incapable of moving independently and must be carried everywhere. Illness affects infants at a higher rate than other stages of life except old age. Humans put a surprisingly large amount of effort into keeping infants alive when compared to the number that survive to adulthood.


While still dependent on adults for survival, they are less dependent than infants. Children begin exploring the world and learning how to interact with members of their own species and other species. During this period, they are still learning how to be a human.


Humans undergo many physiological and psychological changes during this life stage. This is also a period when they become reproductively viable, though most humans won't reproduce for another five or six years at minimum. Adolescents begin to develop a firmer sense of self independent from parental figures and frequently act out in erratic and impulsive ways.


This is the period when humans are the most capable physically and mentally. They spend approximately half of their lives in this stage. The typical human encountered is in this life stage. This is also the stage at which humans are the most dangerous. It is wise to avoid humans with weapons away from settlements.


The final life stage almost mirrors the first. Humans become more dependent on others for basic survival. The body begins to slow, and they become more suceptible to disease and injury. Humans who die during this stage are considered to have lived a full life.


Humans were originally created to live in warm, temperate regions on Evirs. However, that proved to be a very short lived period. Humans these days can be found in every environment except underground or underwater where they're incapable of surviving. They adapt their environment to be more agreeable to their biology and don clothes for protection. They require shelter from the elements which tends to resemble to stable temperature conditions they were originally meant for.

Dietary Needs

One of the more surprising features of humans is their ability to consume nearly everything they encounter. They will attempt to consume things that their bodies can't digest and can recover from many serious dietary blunders without long term ill effects. They are truly omnivorous. It is a disconcerting ability for other species as humans will attempt to eat anything placed in front of them.


It's impossible to adequately characterize humans. Any statement made about their antics would produce just as many examples proving the statement as those disproving it. Nor are there any behaviors which could be described as uniquely human. They are prone to psychological influence, magical and otherwise, though just as many show significant mental fortitude. They are a very resilient group, and even in the face of extreme hardship, humans will somehow pull through.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Originally from Evirs, humans migrated to Kos and now are the dominant species there. Small pockets of humanity exist on Akea, but they reside near the coasts. In many places on Kos, they pushed out the original inhabitants, and they are rarely a minority species in mixed settlements.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Of all the sapient species, humans are among the least impressive. They aren't particularly intelligent, agile, or strong. Nor do they possess remarkable senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, or touch. They possess no inherently magical traits. Nor are they phenomenally terrible at anything either. They aren't notable for their senses in any regard.  

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


Among the humanoid species, humans are the most numerous but also the shortest lived. Dwarves and elves get along reasonably well with humans.


Many of the tensions between humans and dragonfolk stem from centuries of subjugation. Relations with kobolds tend to be more sympathic. There is overall healing between the races with draconids integrating well into some human societies.


Humans and goblinoids have had a tense and violent relationship. There is a long history of humans treating goblins as monstrous and unintelligent, and they are still distrusted in most human countries.


No matter what physical similarities exist between humans and beastfolk, humans don't consider the latter to be humanlike. They are often viewed as more intelligent animal counterparts.
Typical male human
Typical female human
Genetic Descendants
80 years
Average Height
Males: 5'10" - 6'2"
Females: 5'2" - 5'6"
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
The Lord of Death formed a creature from mud and branches. It had long limbs for running and grasping, and it stood tall in Ril's image. He called it Man, and the other gods were jealous for they also wanted creatures to call their own. At first, Man was dumb and pounded on the rocks and ate only that which it could reach or kill with its hands. In time, Man became smarter and under Ril's guidance, learned to use tools and shape the world to its liking. But it did not look up or acknowledge its maker. It formed small family groups, and The Gaunt King taught them language, but they did not teach their children about him. He mourned his creation and set out to find Fate in search of answers to Man's dumb nature.
Beware the king the bringer of Death in darkness does he thrive
He created Man from sticks and sand yet cursed in their short lives

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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