Third Dragon War Military Conflict in Valtena | World Anvil

Third Dragon War

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The Third Dragon War marked the end of Galag Rok and the reign of dragon kings. It was waged between the humans and elves of Kos and the dragonfolk of Galag Rok. The war lasted for many years, and it ended with the near extinction of dragons and burning the capital city of Qunid. The war started as a revolt due to how many resources were being sent to the dragonfolk, but hardly anything was being returned to the people. Due to how the country was structured, dragon lords were sent to live abroad along with their dragons. All the wealth of the land flowed through the lord who then dispersed it back among the population. Instead, the dragonfolk used it to enrich their own lifestyles and left the people who they saw as inferior with only just enough to survive. It was considered a crime to hide wealth from the dragon lord, punishable by death. One town attempted to stockpile resources to survive a particularly harsh winter that was predicted by a priest of Menaan. When the dragon lord noticed that the wealth from the town was lower than it had been in past years, he flew his dragon to the town and demanded to know where the rest of the wealth was. The leaders attempted to feign ignorance, and for that, they were burned. Terrified, a few people showed the lord where the stockpile was. But, unsatisfied, he burned both the stockpile and the rest of the town. Finally fed up with the poor treatment, the neighboring areas rose up and stormed the dragon lord's keep. He was forced to flee on the back of his dragon. The rest of Kos rose up against their dragonfolk overlords. In particular, they tried to kill dragons to cripple Galag Rok of their biggest advantage. One such person was Volterra Kodanza who lived in the mountains near the southern part of Kos. The dragon lord there lived even higher up protected in an inaccessible palace. Often times, the lord would leave his dragon to protect the palace. The dragon was huge and already an adult by the time the lord bonded with him. Volterra Kodanza took his company and climbed up to the palace where they fought and slew the dragon killing the lord at the same time.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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