Pantheon of Valtena

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Written by Noëvalesira Funeánasili Padavelika


We know that the gods breathed life into us, and that our souls will return to our gods. But what breathed life into the gods? Great forces of nature existed before our world ever came into being, and they will last long after our world's destruction.
Gureó Teveluï Wanasute Silureáva

Gods of Creation

The main pantheon consists of the fourteen gods of creation. They are known for creating the first sapient beings. They went to Huirtal together where she gifted their creations with wisdom and taught them how to give wisdom to other creations. They are worshipped above all others. Other myths tell of how they were formed from the largest shards of Osirtal. Around the world, the gods of creation touch every facet of life and embody universal elements.
















Minor Gods

For the day to day ails and celebrations, we turn to the minor gods. They didn't create the first sapient species, but that doesn't diminish their importance. They were created at the same time as the gods of creation from the same shards of Osirtal. There are many shrines to the various minor gods, and it's not uncommon to encounter settlements with a particular minor god held in greater esteem than the gods of creation.
Name Symbol Description
Kitra Spiderweb Kitra is the goddess of dreams and ruler of the Dreamplane. She watches over all beings when they sleep. She is the light in the darkness, and people pray to her for pleasant dreams and protection from nightmares which are personal manifestations of Chaos. All beings visit the Dreamplane, though they are unaware of it. Each dream is a spark of light in her realm giving the place a starry appearance. Despite not being a God of Creation, she is often held in similar high esteem, and the elves in particular favor her.
Kana Sphere with rays Kana is the embodiment of the sun. He is the sun orb which travels across the sky and brings light to the world. His sisters are the two moons. Often times, he is seen as an extension of Qazakthein who is said to carry the sun. Sometimes, he is associated with wisdom and truth. Few people worship Kana independently. He is depicted as either an orb in the sky or as a dragon curled into a ball.


The greatest honor for mortals is to be granted ascension to godhood. We know them as local and national heroes. Their deeds are worth remembering for eternity. Only Huirtal, the Fate of the World, knows who is destined to become a demigod. It is said that those who are chosen receive strange dreams and are called to venture off in search of the Heart of the World. Once they ascend to godhood, their physical body vanishes, and their worldly possessions become relics. They receive new powers, and then they must seek out worshippers and tell those left behind of their new status.
Name Symbol Description
The Immortal Sculptor Human Figurine The Immortal Scultor resides on a remote island made of clay. He is elusive and frequently changes his physical appearance. To those who visit his island, he offers the chance to change their entire appearance, but he only changes those who are completely serious about it. He is the patron of self acceptance and physical metamorphosis. The Immortal Sculptor is associated with the gods of death and darkness.
Volterra Kodanza Lance Volterra Kodanza is most well known for slaying the black dragon Naqirrus. He was known as a cunning military strategist and led his men into the dragon's lair where they slew it inside of its cave. Among the draconid species, he is despised and seen as being bloodthirsty and underhanded. However, the humans revere his courage and intelligence. His domain appears as a cave full of gold and treasures with the dragon's skull mounted above his throne. He's the patron of military officers and is associated with the gods of war and knowledge.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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