Stirkal Character in Valtena | World Anvil


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Father was the clockmaker. The endless wanderer. He was Time, ever on a journey forward unable to look back. He is the eternal husband of Mother and half of Daughter. He is uncreated and formless, without beginning or end.
Ah, so you wish to know more about Father Time. He's cold and aloof. Hardly a good husband or father, really. He exists and will always exist until the end of Time. One day, he will exist alongside me merely a shell of who he once was. Time must pass as it always does, though I wonder...a world after the end when Time is no longer needed. Would everyone stop aging? Would the world simply be frozen unable to progress? Time could be reduced to a shriveled speck. Unimportant and easily manipulated. Imagine if you could wind back the clock and change the outcome of events. Imagine if you could make it so the worst people know never existed. There is no chronomancy in this world. Time forbids it. The world would be more interesting if it did exist. Time is a bore, really. The most interesting thing about him is that he's looking for me. The Void is a vast place, so he'll be looking for awhile. And once he finds me, I'll abe able to follow him back to his beloved Fate and take their world for my own.


Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Endless Wanderer, Father Time, Father,

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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