The Void Geographic Location in Valtena | World Anvil

The Void

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The Void is the Beginning and the End. It exists outside of Time. It is, was, and will always be.

In the Beginning

The Void is me, and I am the Void. I look at the Void as one detached from it, and I am inside of it looking out at its vastness. The Void is Chaos and Potential Order. The Void is eternal darkness, yet it will experience change. I float aimlessly in the Void, but do I even know if I'm moving? I am conscious only of my own existence and the existence of the Void.
— Mysteries of the Void

The Void, A Prison

In His weakened state, We banished Chaos to the farthest reaches of the Void.
— Mysteries of the Void

The Realm of Chaos

— Mysteries of the Void

The End of the World

— Mysteries of the Void
Characters in Location

Life in the Void

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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