Tovirkal Character in Valtena | World Anvil


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Ah, I see you're interested in me. Well, sit down, relax, and I will spare you the lies people write about me. I am Chaos. In their language, they call me Tovirkal. I have always existed and will always exist. Fate attempted to thwart me. She is order. A predestined path we all must follow. But even she saw that I will rule the universe. The Void is my domain. They banished me far out here and tried to create a world unknowing that I would always be a part of it. Do you know why they banished me? I wanted to take Fate's daughter as my bride. We were meant to be together. Light and dark.   The people of Valtena say that I'm evil. They claim that I corrupted all living things. But the perfect and pure life they envisioned is boring. It exists marching along in unerring order. Life needs chaos. It needs corruption. It needs me. Without me, life could not stray from its predestined fate. I am what makes life interesting and worthwhile. Of course, Fate saw this. She sees everything.   One day, I will return to their world and claim it as my own. Already I feel my strength growing there. Pieces of me exist as demons in their world. They are a glimpse into their basest desires and vices. Some individuals succumb to those vices. The people call them Demoniacs. It's such an ugly word for what they all yearn for. One day, the will all give in, and the world will be nothing but Chaos.
Ruled Locations
Lord of Chaos, Destroyer of Life, World Eater, Bridegroom of Life, Master of Demons, Corruption, The Evil One

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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