Valine Valinian World History Timeline
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Valinian World History

The generally accepted history of major world affecting events on Valine.

  • 1

    The Vestige of Gama and the Rebirth of Time

    Year 1: The Year of Dragons. Valine is created and populated with the chromatic and metallic dragons. Popularly referred to as a "year", most Valinians understand that this era happened over a long period of time.

  • 3

    Genesis of Eruer

    Year 3: The Year of Industry. Gama creates Eruer from the four prime elements. They begin populating Valine with the elder races - dragonborn, elves, dwarves, gith and fey. Popularly referred to as a "year" most Valinians understand that this was an era, taking place over a long period of time.

  • 12

    Emergence of New Deities

    Year 12: The Year of Spawning. Gama and Eruer create the first of the other gods and assign them powers and responsibilities over Valine. Popularly referred to as a year, this is understood by most Valinians to have taken place over a long period of time.

  • 14

    The Dragon Cull

    Year 14: The Year of Thinning. The dragonborn, eldest of the humanoid races, are overthrown by the dragons they had previously led. Unaware that the dragons viewed their submission to the dragonborn as more akin to slavery than leadership, the dragonborn were all but wiped out when turned upon by the dragons. In the wake of the Dragon Cull, the Dragonborn, banded together in tribes, for the most part sticking to their own color. The event set back their development while the other elder races thrived and it led to the widespread belief that dragonborn were descended from dragons. The Year of Thinning is generally considered to be the point at which the "years" of recorded history began to largely match an actual calendar year.

    More reading
    The Dragon Cull
  • 36

    The Last Green Dragonborn Dies

    Year 36: The Year of Metamorphoses. Twenty years after their form was fundamentally altered by a botched ritual enacted by their chieftain, the last of the green dragonborn dies from its mutations, wiping out the green dragonborn and their poison breath from the species' bloodline.

  • 36

    Camue's Frenzy
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 36: The Year of Metmorphoses. Camue the Jester brings numerous sentient species into being, in mockery of the elder races.

  • 87

    The Divine Schism
    Era beginning/end

    Year 87: The Year of Schism. Disagreement among the gods leads to division. Gama and Eruer decree that those who wish to influence Valine more directly shall have their divine powers limited. The gods split into the Greater and Lesser Deities. While most of the Greater Deities stay indirectly involved with Valine, the Lesser Deities take more of a direct approach with the developing races. Gama and Eruer withdraw from direct influence, ruling the other deities and influencing matters from afar.

  • 99

    The First Amalgamation
    Life, Birth

    Year 99: The Year of Melding. For the first time, two of the races - the elves and dwarves - begin interbreeding.The first dwelves are born.

  • 112

    The Madness of Ades
    Disaster / Destruction

    Year 112: The Year of Storms. Ades begins procreating with mortal beings, bringing Bulir the Envious into being as the first demon and creating Nivian, The Dreadful Shadow, whose very presence inthe universe begins to unravel the fabric of reality and nearly destroys the elves entirely.

  • 113

    The Infernal War
    Military action

    Year 113: The Year of Shackles. Nivian is sealed into the Book of Dreadful Shadow. Bulir leads an army of fiends against the mortal races of Valine. The gods unite to drive him back and create The Asylum to house Bulir and his demonic army. The fey retreat to the Feywild, but leave a number of hidden ways in and out of their self-imposed realm of exile.

  • 121

    The First Burg
    Technological achievement

    Year 121: The Year of Fortification. As tribal warfare and banditry become increasing problems, several dwarven tribes band together and build the first walled settlement on Valine. Other tribes and species soon follow suit and cities spring up across multiple cultures.

  • 167

    The Wars of Divinity
    Religious event

    Year 167: The Year of Doctrine. Despite many of the gods attempting to correct their followers, different doctrines flourish throughout emerging societies, leading to holy wars and dominant doctrines emerging over the next few years. The strongest of the faiths begin to spread globally and their deities work to subtly change the faiths from within over an extended period.

  • 169

    Emergence of the Unnatural

    Year 169: Emergence of the Unnatural. In a disastrous effort to create the perfect divine being, Astus and Jopha bring Khydar the Unnatural into being and unleash the curse of the undead upon Valine. Thousands are slaughtered as the dead rise from their graves all over the world.

  • 189

    Treaty of the Dead

    Year 189: The Year of Peaceful Rest. Astus and Khydar form an uneasy truce regarding the souls of the dead and Khydar is elevated to the role of a Greater Deity overseeing the realm of the undead. The twenty year reign of undead terror throughout Valine comes to an end, but several conditions, such as vampirism have been unleashed upon the world.

  • 212

    The Stinging Delirium
    Plague / Epidemic

    Year 212: The Year of the Purge. A virulent plague ravages Valine killing 4% of the planet's total population.

  • 245

    Munak's Folly
    Political event

    Year 245: The Year of Enslavement. The gith leader Munak sells his entire race into slavery for 20 generations in search of immortality. The entire gith race is pulled into The Asylum, enslaved by demons, and do not emerge for 600 years.

  • 321

    The Blossoming of Humanity
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 321: The Year of Progression. A new sentient species emerges on Valine and over the next 50 years spreads incredibly fast to every corner of Valine, breeding - and dying - at a rate never before seen. Within three generations they are the dominant species on the planet, with a population to match that of any other sentient species on Valine, and growing at a frightening pace.

  • 346

    Innovative Warfare
    Technological achievement

    Year 346: The Year of Beseigement. With the aid of gnomish ingenuity, the first siege weaponry is developed.

  • 380

    The Age of Seafaring Begins
    Era beginning/end

    Year 380: The Year of Colonization. Improvements in nautical technology allows for longer sea voyages and a rapid expansion in coastal settlements. The first colonization attempt of the island of Cerulea by an alliance of goliaths, elves and humans collapses following a bloody confrontation between the human and elven leaders.

  • 417

    The Sea Dogs

    Year 417: The Year of Piracy. Piracy blossoms as colonization expands. The most feared pirate band on the seas are the Sea Dogs, a mostly caniic crew led by a saurian captain known only as "The Wild". During the dark of Undhar, the Sea Dogs vanish without trace. Their vast treasure hoard has never been found.

  • 418

    Sigeweard Unites the Ten Kingdoms of Mithlerien

    Year 418: The Year of Bonding. Sigeweard of Stankeld unites the ten tribes of the Isle of Mithlerien, centralizing government and establishing the Kingdom of Mithlerien, becoming King Sigeweard, First of His Name. Though controlling the majority of the Isle of Mithlerien, some smaller kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Periezar held out against the larger kingdom under an uneasy truce for centuries, some even remaining nominally independent, but eventually even these became effective vassal states.

    Additional timelines
  • 513

    Send in the Clonns
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 513: The Year of the Twins. Another sentient race emerges. Thought to be in the image of Khydar the Unnatural, the clonns are shunned in almost every society in which they emerge and they are persecuted to the point where clonns seem to largely disappear from the world for the next 350 years.

  • 593

    Coven's Rage
    Plague / Epidemic

    Year 593: The Year of the Hag. The most virulent disease ever known infects nearly half the souls on the planet, driving those who catch it into a violent fever rage. Cultures and societies fall and the population of Valine is decimated, with more than 1 in every 10 individuals a victim to either the disease or the violence that it causes. The source of the disease is eventually traced to a coven of hags on Atrain that worship Qyrad and aimed to wipe the sentient species from the world entirely. A coalition army of two dozen different species marches to destroy the coven utterly. The site of the resulting battle remains an area of mutation and disease that few dare to tread more than 400 years later.

    Additional timelines
  • 593

    17 Masus

    The Battle of Apocalypse Falls
    Military action

    Year 593: The Year of the Hag. A coalition army of two dozen realms from across Valine meet the hag coven and their army of monstrous followers at Apocalypse Falls on Atrain to destroy the source of the Coven's Rage plague unleashed on the world by the coven. The hags are defeated but the area is left blighted by intense bursts of wild magic, mutated animal and plant life, and disease.

    Additional timelines
  • 637

    Tears of Ades
    Geological / environmental event

    Year 637: The Year of Deluge. An unprecedented number of storms dump unheard of rainfall all over Valine. In some places it rains without stopping for 300 days. Coastal cities are devastated. Crops are ruined. Global famine follows.

  • 640


    Bulir's Vengeance
    Era beginning/end

    Year 640-690. Dubbed Bulir's Vengeance, although the demigod had nothing to do with it, fifty years of unprecedented volcanic activity drove much of Valine's population into underground settlements for the best part of half a century. On the back of the Tears of Ades, much of the surface of Valine was left uninhabitable for decades, although pockets of population on the surface were maintained and some areas left relatively unscathed, whether through the protection of their natural location, the favor of the gods, or the use of powerful magic. The remnants of this period (now claimed as lairs by myriad beasts, monsters or societal outcasts) litter Valine and lie below ground as the "dungeons" that adventurers make a living from exploring and looting.

  • 720

    Emergent Kingdoms

    Year 720: The Year of Rebirth. Following three decades of recovery on the surface, the sentient species of Valine have rebuilt societies. Decades of interdependence has led to greater integration of the species. New kingdoms and empires begin to expand their influence. Known as The Silver Kingdom, Mithlerien takes the lead in establishing the beginnings of a global trade economy, backed by the largest fleet of ships in the world.

  • 734

    Troll's Mark
    Plague / Epidemic

    Years 734: The Year of Putresence. The third great pandemic strikes Valine. Sickening a plurality of humans but killing the majority of non-humans that contract it, millions are killed and humanity becomes a pariah species across Valine. Blamed for the spread, Mithlerien is isolated, it's ships and foreign assets seized and it becomes a quarantined kingdom for nearly half a century. Troll's Mark is never fully eradicated and humans from Mithlerien retain a reputation as plague carriers even within Mithlerien itself, where they are housed in internment camps for over twenty years after the general quarantine is lifted.

  • 801

    The Floating City
    Disaster / Destruction

    Year 801: The Year of Fracture. A great earthquake rends the Sufshaw Peaks in the small Fiefdom of Periezar, releasing a giant pulse of wild arcane energy across thousands of miles. Periezar's capital city of Poheath is shattered into four pieces that are held aloft above the mighty rift formed by the quake.

  • 846

    Emancipation of the Gith
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 846: The Year of Liberty. Little more than legends after six centuries in The Asylum, the gith are given their freedom and return to Valine, a broken and divided race that scatter throughout the world and largely isolate themselves from other races.

  • 867

    Return of the Clonns
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 867: The Year of Good Humor. Clonns start appearing in major settlements throughout the world. No longer persecuted, though widely misunderstood, they integrate into societies and are tolerated by other races, though still viewed with some suspicion by many.

  • 891

    We Are Legion

    Year 891: The Year of the Worthy. The Godtouched Legion is formed. Independent of any kingdom, empire, or nation, they develop branches of the Legion in most major municipalities and attract legionnaires of all species to their ranks. By the middle of the next century, their combined fighting force is the largest on Valine. Though spread over the entire world, and therefore somewhat fragmented, they nonetheless wield immense political power and influence.

  • 921

    Metal Minions
    Technological achievement

    Year 921: The Year of the Golem. The first Advanced Operation Golems are created in Poheath. Mindless automatons designed to serve the rich. The leaders of Poheath pour the city's resources into improving their lucrative inventions.

  • 922

    Insectoid Influencers
    Population Migration / Travel

    Year 922: The Year of Triumvirates. The Zukdin appear within major powers across Valdine and quickly insert themselves into military affairs, being appointed as everything from military advisors to generals with astonishing alacrity. Once the small groups of Zukdin were established in positions ofpower and influence, more Zukdin began appearing and inserting themselves into other influential positions. In less than a decade, this newly arrived sentient species wields power completely unbalanced from their history and population.

  • 959

    The First Firelance
    Technological achievement

    Year 959: The Year of Black Salt. Gnome technologist Felcryn the Valiant invents the first firelance, fundamentally altering warfare and ushering in an new era of advanced, if as yet unreliable, weaponry.

  • 983

    The Measure of a Man
    Gathering / Conference

    Year 983: The Year of Emergence. Advanced Operation Golems, now referred to as AOGs unexpectedly develop sentience. The leadership of Poheath convene an emergency council at which it is decided that they are free beings. Many other cultures in Valine follow suit, and the AOGs are widely, if grudgingly, recognized as the first species created, not by the gods, but by mortals. The shockwave of this event echoes across the world, causing existential crises, questioning of faith, and widespread introspection.

  • 999

    Dawn of a New Epoch
    Era beginning/end

    Year 999: The Year of Thresholds. Art, technology, industry and magic blossom and advance under new thinking and innovation. Valine is on the cusp of a new era.

  • 1000

    Rogue Arcana
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Year 1000: The Year of Wild Magic. Pockets of Wild Magic erupt across Valine, leading to speculation that Tehsus has lost control of their domain. The stability of arcane magic is under question and arcane spellcasters are viewed with increasing suspicion and, sometimes, outright hostility. Larger population centers restrict or outright ban arcane spellcasting. In some places, even divine spellcasting is regulated. The climax of the year, particularly the dark days of Undhar, are approached with great trepidation. When they pass uneventfully, its as if the entire world breathes a sigh of relief.

  • 1001

    Destructive Disease
    Plague / Epidemic

    Year 1001: The Year of the Fire Plague. Religious extremism rises, particularly in Imrus and Fea, as a reaction to the Wild Magic events of the year before. Originating in a gathering of thousands of Gama worshippers in southeastern Fea, a respiratory plague spreads through Fea, Imrus, and Iosse that causes sufferers to spontaneously breathe lines of fire akin to those that some dragonborn can breathe naturally. The virulent disease is rarely fatal, but causes significant property damage in populated areas.