The birth of the future King Casavir III.
The important events in the history of the Feywild dynasty, eg. Births, marriages, succession.
King Casavir III becomes King of Nerevarn upon news of the premature death of his father reaching the capital.
The nine year old King Casavir III is crowned at the Temple of Dianecht.
The wedding of King Casavir III to Dana Silvari.
The birth of future Queen Ellania to King Casavir III and his consort Dana Silvari.
The Queen Consort dies of complications from the birth of her daughter.
The marriage of Princess Ellania to Damar Thornspire.
Birth of the future King Velebor II to Princess Ellania and Damar Thornspire.
Damar Thornspire, Prince Consort of Princess Ellania, dies of a sudden illness shortly after the first birthday of their only child.
Princess Ellania remarries against her father's will, to Illyrian tradesman Henry Wheelwright. She is not disowned but her relationship with her father the King sours and he does not recognise his daughter's second husband.
Prince Henry, second child of Princess Ellania, is born to her and Consort Henry Wheelwright.
The marriage of Prince Velebor to Katerina Silvari.
Princess Sara is born to Prince Velebor and his Princess Consort Katerina Silvari, their first child and the new heir to the throne.
Upon the death of King Casavir III, his daughter Queen Ellania becomes ruler of Nerevarn. The Third Casaviri era ends, and the Ellanian era begins.
Princess Dana is born to Prince Velebor and Princess Consort Katerina Silvari, their second child.
Queen Ellania is assassinated by her son Prince Henry, and her elder son Velebor becomes King. The short-lived Ellanian age ends, and the Second Veleborian age begins.
Prince Henry, who becomes known as the Ungrateful, is killed by his elder brother the new King Velebor in personal combat.
King Velebor II is crowned in the Temple of Dianecht upon his return to the capital.
Prince Henry is born to King Velebor and Queen Consort Katerina, their third child and first son.
Crown Princess Sara is exiled overnight by her father the King for reasons which are not made public.