Henry the Ungrateful Character in Valdys | World Anvil
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Henry the Ungrateful

Prince Henry Feywild (a.k.a. The Ungrateful)

Prince Henry Feywild, known as Henry the Ungrateful, was the second son of Queen Ellania, who was still a Princess at the time of his birth. He eventually murdered his mother in a supposed coup attempt, but was defeated in single combat by his elder brother Velebor after the Taarian fleet he had recruited was wrecked in The Storm at Sayd.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the son of Henry Wheelwright, his mother's lowborn second husband, Prince Henry was not recognised by his maternal grandfather King Casavir III. The King always refused to acknowledge his daughter's second marriage and therefore regarded the young Prince Henry (simply Henry in his eyes) as an illegitimate grandson. This resulted in the young prince being kept from many of the normal aspects of royal life, including for many years from his own half-brother Velebor, who was raised primarily by the King while Henry was left with his mother and father in semi-disgrace. As a result, by the time King Casavir died and Henry's mother Ellania took the throne - allowing Henry to assume his rightful place as a legitimate son of the monarch - there was already a sense of separation between him and his elder brother the future King Velebor II, as they did not really know one another.  Years later, after his assassination of their mother, it would be a personal duel between the two brothers that would finally bring Henry his death.


Although prevented from accessing the formal education normally given to children of royalty, Henry was trained by his mother in divine magic and the clerical arts, for which he always demonstrated an immense talent, much to his grandfather's annoyance.  While his brother Velebor was undoubtedly the better warrior, Henry showed by far the most promise in the field of magical ability.

Mental Trauma

It became clear early on in life that the rejection by his grandfather the King and the resulting semi-ostracization from family life had impacted Prince Henry significantly. Despite his mother's best attempts, and the moral guidance of his father who always refrained from complaining or showing resentment for the ill-treatment received at the hands of his father-in-law, the young Prince grew up with an almost treasonous dislike of The Royal House of Nerevarn and the monarchy in general. While his mother's influence as Crown Princess - and his position as a mostly ignored 'nobody' - prevented these tendencies from ever getting him in serious trouble during his grandfather's reign, it was an attitude which would remain with him after his mother took the throne, even though she immediately removed all taints of illegitimacy from and elevated him at once to his rightful position as a Prince of Nerevarn.

Personality Characteristics


It has never been fully explained why Prince Henry chose to assassinate his mother.  It is true that she was the monarch, and head of the system and family he so blatantly despised, but it is also true that she had always been on his side, assuring him that he was not illegitimate no matter what the King said, and that as soon as she became Queen she would ensure everyone recognised him as the true-born prince he was; a promise which she kept to the letter.  It is possible that he simply coveted the throne for himself no matter what the cost, or that he had strayed so far down the path of evil that no remaining earthly bonds were of any significance to him.  Certainly his objective was the throne; and if the great storm that destroyed the isle of Sayd and ravaged the peninsula had not sprung up that same day and wrecked the fleet of mercenaries he had recruited from Taar, it is likely he would have succeeded in obtaining it.


Family Ties

Henry never married, and showed little interest in romance even during his teenage years, seeming to view those his own age as intellectually beneath him, and those older than himself who might be 'worthy' of him more as mentors or rivals than as potential partners. His relationship with his mother was unfriendly but with an element of grudging respect due to her undeniable prowess with the kind of magic which most fascinated him. His father and grandfather appear most unfortunately to have cancelled one another out in his affections, with the young prince picking up his grandfather's disdain for commoners - resulting in a sense of disgust for his own commonborn father - while also despising that same grandfather for rejecting him.   The only remaining tie Prince Henry appears to have had in all of Valdys was his brother Velebor. This relationship appears to have been complex, with the two rarely meeting until young adulthood when their mother ascended the throne and encouraged them to spend time together, something which had been all but forbidden under their grandfather King Casavir. The two seemingly had little in common: Velebor had a good relationship with his stepfather, much better than Henry had despite being Wheelwright's biological son; Henry was a studious young man with a talent for the arcane, where his elder brother favoured the skills of a warrior; and Velebor's eager leaps into the joys of the world - adventure, romance, love - were a far cry from his brother's detached nature. Nevertheless, it appears the two found something to bond over, or at least to appreciate in one another, and Velebor was the closest thing to a friend Prince Henry was ever seen to have. This may perhaps explain why Henry chose to spring his coup while his brother was out hunting (in the hope of not having to kill him?) and why it took several days before Prince - then, tragically, King - Velebor took horse in pursuit of his now-treasonous brother (reluctant to initiate a fatal duel he knew he would win?)

Religious Views

In the final years of his life Prince Henry had devoted himself to The Worship of Namir, as opposed to Dianecht, the thousand-year patron deity of the royal family. Since all royals are dedicated to the service of Dianecht by the circumstance of their birth as a descendant of King Gabraeil, Dianecht would no doubt have considered this an act of oathbreaking, both on the part of Henry himself - who had no choice in this dedication but whom the powerful deity would have considered one of his own nonetheless - and on the part of the entire royal family who are all bound to his service and his will.
Date of Birth
41st Coldwinds 1120
1120 NL 1160 NL 40 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born the legitimate son of Princess Ellania, later Queen, and her second husband Henry Wheelright. However, owing to King Casavir's refusal to acknowledge his daughter's second marriage, he was treated as illegitimate by the dynasty for many years.
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Born fair-skinned, became weather-beaten


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