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Carnira's map of Matonga

This map of Matonga was made by Carnira Wayseeker. The map shows the general geography of the continent: mountain ranges, deserts, forests and large rivers. Main cities are also included. The map is tagged by the approval of the cartographer's guilt.   When exposed to Firal lights (which happens to be similar to the light omitted by fireflies), the map shows the relatively well known prized problems. What is new information however, is that the problems are written down near specific locations. This valuable and rare information could be helpful for an adventurer looking to leave their mark on the world of Tunoda.  
Map of the continent Matonga on the planet Tunoda. When viewed with tFiral lights, it shows a rumoured location of each of the the prized problems.
Item type
Book / Document

Cover image: by pi_paints


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