The Elysian Fields Geographic Location in Totania | World Anvil
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The Elysian Fields

Morrigan's Heaven, the Elysian Fields, is the bleak realm of the dead who worshipped the Goddess of Death, Fate, and Doom. It is the final destination on the River Styx, being both where the river flows to, and its very source, with the entire cycle of death originating and being controlled from the Elysian Fields.  

The River Styx

The River Styx is the river of death itself, which is said to flow through every realm. First, it connects with Totania through the Temple of Mimir, where the Necromancer God of Secrets is said to help all souls board, then handing the dead souls to the Ferryman, Morrigan's Head Angel Charon.   If the location of the River Styx were ever to be found, around the Temple of Mimir, one would find what would seem to be a reverse waterfall going up from the temple, where the water flows into outer space itself.   Styx flows between every Heavenly Realm, as well as Hell, going through specifically the fifth layer, Piscarius, and goes all the way to the actual Elysian Fields.   If one were to douse themselves in the Styx and not drown in its waters, they would gain unbreakable skin. Any area of the skin not exposed to the water of the Styx, however, is vulnerable, and can be considered a weak point. So, to all prospective passengers, it is suggested to leave heels exposed on ferry rides on the Styx.  


The trip across the River Styx is said to be one of many dangers. Otherwise, there would be no need for a Ferryman. What these dangers are begins with the navigation from one plane to another.  


While the planes are connected by the River Styx, the transition from one to the other is rarely smooth. After all, most Heavenly Realms are their own, separate celestial bodies. The Realm of the Moon and the Realm of the Sun are two great examples, though Acrophya, the afterlife of all wild animals, and the Elemental Planes of @Sia are also great examples.   Due to this, the River Styx that flows from planet to planet can be difficult to sail on. The seas are rough as they extend from the sea to the sky, traveling vertically or through space very often.  

The Void

The Void, where the Demons reside, is not connected to the River Styx. Souls that are bound to go there will be handed over by the traitorous Mimir himself, while others will be put in danger if Charon is not watching them and they are not careful.
Charon by Jarhed
  Drowning in the River Styx will send the soul to the void. Due to this, it is said that some Demons will swim within the River Styx and try to drag souls in. These souls, then, become trapped with the Demons in the Void.  


Charon steers the ship with two floating orbs. The red orb tells him the flow of the river, helping him to keep the ship from tipping over.   The black orb, instead, gives complete histories on the passengers of the ship. This way, Charon not only knows their names, strengths, weaknesses, and subjects of interest, but also knows what God they worshipped and, therefore, what realm they are to be ferried to.  


The Elysian Fields themselves are vast and span many different areas for those who worshipped Morrigan to live in peace. Some say they are filled with mournful souls, but this is only part of the Heavenly Realm of Morrigan.
Morrigan's Offer to Varth by Jarhed


The Queen Over Ravens, Morrigan is the Goddess of Death, Fate, Doom, and Korvians. She is the creator of death itself, and is blamed for all deaths. No one truly knows whether she has the power to kill others, or if she simply is aware of when death will come for those who submit their fates to her.   She is said to only know for sure the fates of those who submit themselves to her and who are accepting of the fact that fate will come for them. Those who are willing to accept their deaths are those who Morrigan herself accepts with open arms.   Those who do not accept their deaths will never make it to Morrigan's side, even if they follow her other teachings. She will not allow them to stand by her side if they cannot handle death, which is her very being. She is said to be a walking omen of death, a sign of impending doom, a reminder of fate.

Corvus Angels

Corvus Angels are the angels of Morrigan who live around the Elysian Fields and help out the Goddess of Death. All of them were, in life, Korvians or potentially other followers of Morrigan who died and went to the Elysian Fields.   They are chosen to become angels due to their devotion towards Morrigan and their strength, determined by whether they would be capable of protecting and fighting alongside Morrigan in the case the Demon Lords strike.   They can be distinguished in a few ways. The Head Angel and some of the other top angels have metallic skin, however all Corvus Angels have wings which distinguish them and help them to be seen as angellic warriors of the Goddess of Death.   They are sometimes called "The Angels of Death" and it is said that if a Corvus Angel is seen on Totania, it is a sign that death will soon come to all who see them.

The Fields of Mourning

The Fields of Mourning stand at the shores of the River Styx. It is for those whose connections to others who are still alive or are in a different afterlife can stay to linger with their connections.  
Phlegyas by Jarhed
Looking into the River Styx, one can communicate with someone in another afterlife, on one condition: that person must want to speak to them as well. Due to this, one will often find in the Fields of Mourning, hunched over figures crowding around the banks of the River Styx. Often, it becomes difficult to disembark onto the shores because of the crowds, begging for a word with those they love, for one last bit of communication.  

The Asphodel Meadows

The Asphodel Meadows are said to be the location where most souls of Morrigan's followers go. They are vast, sprawling, rocky fields where a thriving civilization of souls can be found. It is no perfect society, but it is said to be much more of a paradise than that of the Korvian City. After all, there are no nobles, no real class. It is run by an old Korvian warrior who became one of Morrigan's great angels: Phlegyas.   Phlegyas is said to be trapped under a rock which stands at the center of the Asphodel Meadows, however it is believed that in times of crisis, he will be freed and will come to the aid of the souls of the Asphodel Meadows. After all, his great heroic tale is of a man imprisoned by the Orcs who found a way to free himself and save the Korvian City at the cost of his own life. In life he was called Slammer. In death, he became Phlegyas the Angel.   The Asphodel Meadows themselves are a warrior society who fight to maintain their lives even in death. They battle each other to train so that they can be prepared for any threat to Heaven. In this way, they can preserve their deaths and not have their souls erased permanently. Many actually compare this land, despite its majority being Korvians, to that of the Orcs on Totania. The very enemies of the Korvian people.  

The Lethe

The Lethe is a lake, also known as the Lake of Oblivion, which serves as the source of the River Styx. It is said that if one were to drink in its pure, undiluted water, they would forget their mortal lives, thinking they were always in the Elysium Fields, and that this was their only life.   Morrigan is said to give this water specifically to those who led lives of evil or crime. This is fairly common for Korvian nobles and, therefore, they forget the lives of greed and evil they led on Totania and believe themselves only to be poor souls wandering the Elysium Fields.   The Lethe splits off into a few other bodies of water, which dilute its properties into others. Of course, the main one is the River Styx. The others include the Acheron, the Cocytus, and the Phlegethon.  

The Acheron River

A similar river to the Styx, Acheron flows throughout all of the Elysium Fields. It is said to be the flow of the tears of all the dead and those who mourn for them. Touching it will bring unbearable sadness, and drinking it or submerging oneself in it is said to bring depression.  

The Cocytus Whirlpool

The Cocytus Whirlpool is said to be guarded by a group of chained Ice Giants: the first followers of Morrigan, before even the Korvians existed. One of them is unchained, and is said to walk around the whirlpool, as his feet hit the very bottom. He sweeps up those who fall in, deciding either if they should be tossed back onto the shores, or instead thrown into the center.
Divine by Jarhed
  If one were to go to the center, they would find Morrigan's first Head Priest: A Devil named Divine. A man who sought to become a God, and was sated with a part of Heaven by Morrigan to quell his ambition. Those deemed hateful or evil are given to Divine to judge.  


Divine is said to have six eyes, many of which he hides beneath his hand or his clothes. His hands are also said to have mouths, which he uses to eat sinners, chewing on their bodies for all eternity.  

The Phlegethon

The Phlegethon is a river that is constantly on fire. No one is sure exactly how the water itself burns, with some believing it to be some kind of liquid other than water. However, all accounts do claim it to be water.   It is said that the flames come from Hell, and thus it is believed there is some connection to the Phlegethon and Hell. Morrigan and Satanael, however, both refute this claim.  

Elysium Palace

An island at the very end of the River Styx, in the center of the Lake of Oblivion. Around the palace, the Korvian noble spirits are taken. Those who mistreated the poor or the weak have their memories wiped, while the truly noble are allowed to live normally. Due to this, many Korvian nobles dream of Elysium, not knowing what may happen to them.   Within the decadent palace, one can find Morrigan herself, watching fate as it plays out, playing with death, and preparing for the ultimate doom of everything. It is said to be a terrifying but beautiful place known as Death's Palace.  

Cultural Impact

Korvians have very short lifespans, and therefore with Morrigan as the major religion in their land, many Korvians often have their minds on the Elysian Fields, and therefore much Korvians art and culture is centered around the transition between Totania and the Elysian Fields.  

The Black Orb

One major cultural mark of the Elysian Fields is that of Charon's Black Orb, which tells the histories of all who enter, and where they are to go after they've died. Many use the phrase "Your name is in the black orb." to say that one is dying soon or has trouble coming. Often when someone is about to undertake a dangerous task, quest, or journey, this phrase or a variation of warning such as "Don't go putting your name in the black orb" will be used.  


Alongside this, when making a promise, some people swear by the River Styx, as it means to break ones promise is to cross over it and, therefore, die. This promise is not magically binding, but it shows devotion to ones own promise at the cost of their own death if they were to break it.  


Many say the phrase "I wish I could drink from the Lethe" after seeing or hearing something they wish they could forget. To "Sip from Oblivion" is to have a fresh start, where all prior connections are washed away. This is common for those who move far from where they grew up, such as someone who moves from Aurilet to Martinau.   When someone is forgetful or forgets things often enough, they are said to be "A Nereid of the Lethe" implying they live under the waters of the Lake of Oblivion and, therefore, breathe in water that makes them forget things.

Cover image: Skull by Pexels


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