
Founded on ruins at the edge of a chaotic sea which should not be. They're mad to settle there and think they have the security of a true country.
Lawaguum, officially the Union of Lawaguum, is a country located in south-eastern Thurásin. It considers itself a spiritual successor to the Theocracy of Dyiiladuun, which was a major power in the region many centuries before.


Lawaguum's story begins with its supposed predecessor of Dyiiladuun, a theocratic state which existed 1200 years ago. Run and represented by the Dyiiladuun church, it was one of the largest countries in the region and operated a vast trade network throughout Thurásin. It was entirely destroyed in 27 Continuance at the hands of a powerful dragon, who destroyed the very land the country sat upon and turned it into a craggy bay that carved into the rest of the continent.   The survivors, many of whom had fled shortly before the event due to warnings from The Divinities, scattered throughout neighbouring countries and groups. A majority stayed in the southeast, looking out over the ruins of their former home.   The concept of a successor to Dyiiladuun was floated as before the embers had gone out, and while a few local groups claimed that status, they were all subsumed by the later expansion of the Nyikkishep empire, becoming vassals or outright conquered territories.   When the empire collapsed a little over a century later, the chaos left none of the new states in any position of power., squabbling amongst themselves for some kind of dominance for centuries. Lawaguum first formed as a union between two other states - Dyabaguum and Ruungaalba - early in the era of Drought, hoping to take advantage of turmoil in central Thurásin to gain power. Alas for Lawaguum, it failed to find an opening and splintered only thirty years later in 17 Renewal, as did a few neighbouring unions. Attempts to form a greater Dyiiladuunawa state were tried multiple times in the following eras without any success.   This was finally successful after The Collision caused widespread chaos throughout Thurásin. With a few small states even losing their leaders in the event, the Lawaguum Union was formed as a temporary measure in 2 Collision to bring stability to the region. As of 38 Return, 423 years later, it has not only not been dissolved, but grown in size to encompass more of the south-east.   It served as the new home for the three survivors of the Dyiiladuun fleet after they were shipwrecked far off the coast. Due to the increased interest in exploration far beyond Thurásin's shores, and the use of the Lawaguum language of Garanya in conversing with the strangers, the country has becomes significantly wealthier in recent years. Even after the death of the final survivor in 34 Return, tourism, academic interest, and most importantly political interest has continued. In the year 38 Return, plans are underway to fund an exploratory fleet to follow in reverse the course of the Dyiiladuun fleet in order to find Abravost.


Lawaguum Map
Lawaguum is usually defined as a federal republic, currently made up of eight small states and one capital district. The degree to which the states fall under the control of the central government varies - the state of Ruungaalba operates nearly entirely separate aside from its role in central elections and the army, while the state of Ffálásin is very similar to the capital district.   Each state has its own government, all of which are democracies. The central government is elected with proportional representation from each state and district, with that government then electing a leader from amongst themselves. This leader is usually from Dyabaguum or other populous states, though wildcard candidates have been known to be elected. This leader election process can take months, but usually doesn't.
Young folk these days don't remember the leader election in 26 Contact. Then again, no-one does - they failed to elect a leader in their entire 5 year term! To think, we went five years without a federal leader. It's a miracle the union didn't collapse then and there!
— Ruungaalba citizen
Founding Date
2 Collision 423 Years Ago
Political, Federation
Alternative Names
Lawaguum Union, Lawásin (Nyikkishong name)
Lawaguumawa (Garanya), Lawásines (Nyikkishong)
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities
If you ask me, Dyabaguum doesn't need this crowd. We could easily go it alone. Only thing stopping us is the fact we'd lose access to the coast, bloody blocking Ffálásin.
— Dyabaguum citizen


While Lawaguum claims to the be the successor state to Dyiiladuun, it really has little in common besides geographical location, language, and rough ethnic makeup. What many consider a defining trait of Dyiiladuun, its theocracy, is entirely absent from Lawaguum, or any of its constituent states. Lawaguum authorities argue this is due to the nature of Dyiiladuun's destruction proving that an un-watched theocracy will cause disaster, citing the last leader of the country. As such, many of the Dyiiladuunawa countries became democratic in some manner in order to ensure oversight.   Its status as a previously failed union, and of an ostensibly temporary institution, has done little to dampen Lawaguum's confidence in its ability to fund an Abravost expedition, even as many draw parallels between this event and the reckless acts which destroyed Dyiiladuun.
Fireworks by davidgarry

The Flag

The flag of Lawaguum is a triband, with stripes on teal on hoist and fly sides, and a pale of white at its centre. The charge is a Dyiiladuun swirl repeated four times, connected and rotated.   The colour scheme of the Lawaguum flag directly recalls that of the Dyiiladuun flag, where the teal presumably represented water and the white represented land. The geometric swirl has no official meaning but has come to represented a united Dyiiladuunawa identity. There being four of them represents the four 'core' units of Lawaguum - Dyabaguum, Ruungaalba, Ffálásin, and the capital district. Their presentation like a star represents the hope for a bright future, and the safety brought by being together.

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