Epizonia Organization in Thysia | World Anvil
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My goodness, I'd make a comment that they are trying too hard... but that's fairly defining of the Epizonia nation isn't it? A sharp tongued Razdelian makes a comment on their neighbours the Epizonians.
  Epizonia, as a nation, are both the youngest to be settled and civilised as well as the one that most desires to be seen as historical and cultured, this duality has led to them seeking to recreate Paradosia's culture, fashions and styles... though they lack the funds, architecture and, most importantly, structure to successfully do this.   But that did not stop Epizonia, and so, with their cheaper slate styled to look like marble and their oversized castles... as well as their showy culture and focus on traditional noble knights and paladins... the nation of Epizonia have become a wealthy and viable landmass... though not nearly as stable or reliable as their neighbours, primarily due to their desire for an over-ruling monarch.   This has conversely split Epizonia into barony's that have battled and fought for power both politically and violently.   Currently, there are 6 ruling barony's in Epizonia, all have been feuding with one another for hundreds of years, a great shame as they have painted the former green natural beauty of Epizonia into a land of bloodshed and iron.   Regardless of the clear caricature of Paradosia that Epizonia represents, there is no doubt they are a split nation that fail to be taken seriously by the rest of Thysia.


Epizonia is split into six barony's across the nation. The current barony with the most reach and influence is the city known simply as The Circle, though, with their barony leaderless for 10 years they have stagnated slightly and hope to signal a revival in their fortunes and growth with the Inheritance ceremony due to take place in a few months time to signal the baron, Fenrys Artagnan dead for ten years, is due to hand over the Artagnan Soul Arm shield to his son, the 18 year old Tiefling Baron Fenrys Artagnan Junior.


Epizonia takes it's inspiration and pride in mimicking Paradosia in an effort to build a culture they believe they can be proud of, though often mockery is levelled at them for their desire to 'outdo' Paradosia with unnecessarily large keeps and castles, complicated etiquette and over-the-top fashions and styles in a medieval style.


Epizonia is rich and wealthy from barony to barony but lack the resources and culture to become a powerhouse in the same vein as other cities and nations.

Demography and Population

Epizonian soul arms are traditional and are often in the form of heavy weapons, armours or other showy items befitting the idea of Paradosian traditional soul arms. However, Epizonia has become 'soft' in the eyes of other nations with their focus on luxury and their disregard for battle and preparedness.


All Epizonian's are trained in combat and so are all a part of the Epizonian military if the need arises. Children, men, women, old and young are all expected to be able to fight for their nation and so Epizonia have a large and talented army at their disposal if the call goes out.    However, the only formal training is given to The Remorhai, the Voda's own personal army and guard of 1000 chosen individuals. This often means Epizonia lacks tactical nous and are heavily reliant on a horde approach and cavalry charge to overcome threats through grit and superior ability and skill.

Foreign Relations

Epizonia do not generally get along with other nations due to their gruffness, aggression and laconic sarcasm... however, things have become even more heated of late with Anotheros. With whom they have had continuous trade disagreements by being so close to one another, these disagreements have spun out into naval tensions and even scattered conflicts as both nations prepare their armies for an incoming war.

Agriculture & Industry

Epizonia is firmly set as a survival first hunter-gatherer society.

History and Pride

Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Epizonia use the same currency as the rest of Thysia (barring Sibi)
Legislative Body
The baron's establish rules and laws in their own baronies but are expected to owe a level of allegiance to the most powerful barony at that time.
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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