The Skull Cavern Settlement in THF Universe | World Anvil

The Skull Cavern

A pirate settlement on Delta Antilae IV r. This cavern is very well concealed at its only entrance and was home to thousands of pirates. They have formed a unique culture within their cavern and used to take pride and fun in looting others' houses and vehicles.   The settlement was easily and quickly established in about 1 week by using the already naturally formed and complex cave system to build their houses into. Use of multitools and replicators sped construction up significantly.   Although they look down upon slavery, they rarely abducted people to enslave them. After a while, slaves could be given freedom within the cavern. Trying to leave without permission will get them killed. This is to prevent them from telling the Hyperion Federation authorities of the location of the base.   Like other populations of the HF, the cavern is made up of many species such as Yunkad, Suon, Trevan, Drimax, Phelke, Irziell and more. However, authorities did find the settlement after about 1 year. The settlement was kept, but the people in the settlement are prevented from raiding. The rest of the culture of the area is preserved.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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