Muna Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil


The closest of Tebburuss' moons. Muna has a large abundance of metals in its exterior, making it appear white. Muna also has very little atmosphere, so there are many asteroid creaters around. During the Tebburus Unification War, Eprus attempted to colonise this moon for more resources. Other nations found out about this attempt and invaded. Even today, there are still wreckage craters around that are found by archaeologists.   Due to this, a large number of war memorials were built on Muna. These were built for both the small part of the Unification War that happened there, and for the Suons' very first attacks on an alien race that was not on their home planet. Indeed, the Saelian Coalition occupied and mined it as of the end of the Unification War, so the suon race had to attack it and Duskus to clear the Saelian threat from their world. Due to these attacks, Muna at the end of this war had a lot of broken technology and twisted wreckages. Many of these were preserved for the war memorials there.   The Eprus colonization attempt also gave the Saelian Coalition a chance at studying suon technology as their wreckages were left after that one battle of the Unification War, and then they left it alone once more. Although the saelians learned much from this, they were also bamboozled by the strange technological advancement of the suon race. Several of their technologies relied on very strange properties of exotic matter. They were even able to identify new types of particles from dead suons themselves that were left on the world. The Saelian Coalition had no clue about their properties at the time, but it is now well known that these were Taidakons, found in the suons' equivalent of the heart.   Despite this advancement, the United Nations of Tebburus still held a technological advantage over the Saelian Coalition as soon as it developed FTL technologies, which it did so in just 3 weeks.   Muna was also colonised despite the harsh conditions. The low gravity was solved using graviton wave refraction and the cities were built in large sealed structures capable of containing atmosphere. Muna was much richer with common metals than rare metals. This meant it was built with several small space elevators (which are cheaper and smaller on moons).   One of the largest craters  on Muna would become known as the Blood Crag because one of the largest Eprus colonies was placed there. This colony was obliterated by a Ooblaran orbital strike in its entirety, in a display of brutal tactics.   Although the saelins were repelled from Muna, they still occupied Duskus at the time, so they launched an attack on Tebburus' 2nd moon...
Planetoid / Moon
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