Taidakic Field

A fifth fundamental force along with electromagnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. These fields are associated with several particles:
  • Taidakons, which emit a Taidakic Field in all directions (away from itself)
  • Antitaidakons, the antimatter variant of the Taidakon, emitting a Taidakic Field in the opposite direction (towards itself)
  • Kaidatons, which do not emit a Taidakic field, but a force will be applied to a Kaidaton in the direction of the Taidakic field.
  • Taidakons and Antitaidakons are both baryons, comprised of 3 quarks, whereas Kaidatons are gauge bosons and therefore do not get an antimatter variant. They have no mass and travel at c.   Taidakons and Antitaidakons are not effected by the Taidakic field unlike the Kaidaton. However, Taidakons can be impacted by Kaidatons that pass through its field. For example, a Kaidaton and Taidakon will repel each other, but a Kaidaton and Antitaidakon will attract. Additionally, Taidakic field flux lines can cross, unlike those of electromagnetic fields.   Increasing the energy of a Kaidaton will increase its frequency, not velocity, as the are massless and travel at c. Higher energy kaidatons gain a higher frequency, giving it more momentum and a higher penetrating power. To comply with relativity, Taidakic fields are limited by the speed of light like other fundamental forces. The SI unit of Taidakic field strength is called the Ymar (Y).    Taidakon quantum numbers mass 2.045×10-27 kg spin 0.5 electric charge 0 electric polarizability 5×10-2 fm3   Kaidaton quantum numbers mass 0 spin 1   Equations and Maths
    The SI unit of Taidakic flux density is the ymar (Y), and of absolute Taidakic field strength is the Tai (β) X = Universal Taidakic Field Constant (2.638×10-8 Y.m) Y = Taidakic Flux Density (Y) δ (lowercase delta) = Absolute Taidakic Field Strength (total flux emitted by an object)  1 ymar is defined as the Taidakic field strength nesessary to accelerate 1 kg of aetherium at 1m/s2.   1/X = 37 907 505, therefore it requires 3.7907505×107 taidakons to create a point charge of 1 β.   The total Taidakic field density at a certain point is given by the equation: Y=δ/r2
      momentum of a kaidaton is given by hf/c. Therefore for a gamma ray of wavelength 10-3nm, the total momentum would be 6.626x10-22 kg.m/s.


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