Station Militaire Settlement in The World of Tabled | World Anvil

Station Militaire

Bordering the Yashahan kingdom, strategically located by the tapering mountains and hills of Catthorn Ridge’s neighbor, Station Militaire is the military base for all of the kingdom. It’s population is made up of 89% soldiers and 10% families and 1% merchants.   The station is responsible for manning the five watchtowers throughout the kingdom, though at present day it is nigh impossible to reach the tower in Tabbatha.   Population: 3,000


Soldiers consists primarily of Tabaxi, though minority races can join the ranks (i.e. Human).


Station Militaire is surrounded by walls and has small watchtowers to bolster vision along the wall. The base itself sports a larger watchtower that has view of the entire base and the immediate surrounding area.


Located at the border of Yashahan, the mountains and hills of their neighboring nation bleeds into the military base.
Military, Base
Location under

Cover image: by Lahtori, Brushes by Joel Pigou


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