The Rise of the Dead Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

The Rise of the Dead

The team gets a surprise in the tower. A body is found mummified in the wall of it.The wall it was bricked up in has been damaged & it's starting to rot & move!!

Plot points/Scenes

Nine makes the team aware of a mummified corpse behind the wall of the tower that seems to have been bricked up. For what reasons is initially not known. It became clear when a spot of rain causes a bit of damage to the wall making it crack, even when it's been repaired. All the while Ragnar, Samuelle & Jean-Luc, the thre workers who repaired the wall, starts to fall ill.   When the body is discovered, it is found that small external parts of the wall had been damaged by roots, and weathering. Unable to be seen since it was below dirt & plant growth it was hidden externally. A few cracks were repaired on the inside and nobody noticed. When they were repairing the wall, a bit of rain had bled through bringing dirty water through, and carrying the disease of zombification through. The three workers where thus infected.   All three are dying and they have gone off food & drink, but trying to bite the living to eat them. This has passed it on to family members who are starting to show symptoms. All of them are wasting away otherwise and having an extreme need to attack & eating the flesh of the living.   Nine finds that the wall is cracking again due to recent waterlogging of the wall. Inside the body is still there chained up but moving slightly while decay has set in. A plaque is attached to the chains. In Latin it says: "Hoc non videbunt lucem diem et non erit vagari terram devorare vivos" and translated will say that 'The diseased one will never see the light off day or it will devour the living'.   A further note in some of the old documents will tell that the family of a Roman soldier in 325 AD came from Africa to be with him in Eschbach when posted there. One of them had been carrying a disease of unknown origin, and showed the same symptoms. Believed to have picked it up from the region they were originally were from, the child passed it on to the rest of the family, and eventually the soldier. It spread quickly through the ranks of the 5th Legion, leading to most being killed off. They eventually contained it, and blamed the father saying his blood was tainted. So as punishment he was walled up alive in the wall. He has been there since and the damage to the wall has released the disease.   With the recent influx of people to the town, the authorities have to act fast to contain it, and they have only limited resources. A few Cure Disease is present, and other magics, and not enough healing potions to prevent it fully.   The team may have to kill & dispose of those who are too far gone. Fire needs to be used to control it. Blessings in the town and of the townspeople are likely to help & keep it from spreading. This is mentioned that many of the Romans had to be blessed, especially when it re-occurred and the stronger the blessing the better. This is likely to take in both the Grove & the Church and both may double as safe zones. Done right the town will be permanently safe after theey are all treated. These blessings can be found in the religious texts that was found buried in the tower, though by doing so, can't be used for a year and a day again.   There is a risk that it may spread out of the region and if crafty enough the team may use it to spread it to Saxony or de Rais controlled regions.


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