A Mule for Sister Eleia Plot in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

A Mule for Sister Eleia

Eleia is approached by a of the Lock of Genoa with a proposition. She is offering to supply Eleia with Quat, Marijuana and Opium to sell to the townsfolk of Eschbach and to keep a percentage. More can be bought in the long run, for a set price which will be negotiated along with what the cut of the profits would be for Eleia. She can test them too to see what the effects would be if she wants. If she doesnt want to, Reolus will be approached. At the same time, the Thieves of Frankiia will likely hear about it and warn them about dealing with the Lock of Genoa.

Plot points/Scenes

Eleia is approached by a Genoes man called Lucio. He offers her khat, opium poppy, and marijana to sell in Eschbach. She can sell it herself and any profit she can keep, and by more fromhim. If she doesn't then no problem, if she does, then she has to buy so much per month. The first 3 months is cheap and full price from the 4th month onwards. She can't buy from any other source.   He also tries to set up a brothel and offers her the mistress position where she gets 10% the earnings.   All the while information comes in that the Thieves of Frankia are at war with Lucio's crew who are the Fulci family & Crime Syndicate from Genoa, called the Lock of Genoa. The Guild may start to put pressure on the authorities and Eleia, since the drugs are dangerous & barred by the systems that are in place allowing them to operate. The prostitutes are also found to be questionable including their ages, and how they are treated.   The Guild may also let slip that the Lock has many questionable alliances including with the Bladed Pouch, slavers, and the de Rais. They arrange to give the Secret Police any muscle they need to scare Lucio away.   Also, Grimmaz and the Burgeaters may want to arrest him & make an example of him. This may involve sending his Family his head.


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