Okeanos Pier Building / Landmark in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Okeanos Pier

Just south of Okeanos Circle is a headland, making a bit of a strait between Boulder Island and the mainland, though the headland isn’t exactly aligned with the island. At the headland is Okeanos Pier, which juts our 200 meters straight out from the shore. It almost reaches the planet’s equator, but not quite. The entire pier is still completely in the northern hemisphere.

The Pier function as a bit of a barrier between the two sections of Poseidon Beach, where the west side of the Pier is occupied by catamites, and sometimes their tricks, and east of the Pier families, with kids under the age of fifteen go.

On the Pier there is a roller coaster and other amusement park rides, along with places where you can get pop corn, ice cream and cotton candy. There’s also a theater for holo plays and a casino.

Parent Location
Owning Organization


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