Leopold Volksmann VI Character in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Leopold Volksmann VI

Leo Volksmann was last seen alive yelling at his uncle Jozef Volksmann in the street outside Minoan Gentlemen’s Society. Jozef barely said anything, and stayed calm the whole time. He did make some odd hand gestures and as Leo left he met Viktor Laszlo. Nobody saw what happened next, though there was plenty of people there, and a few minutes later Leo was found dead with a stab wound in his chest.

Leo’s son, Bertrand Volksmann, inherited his titles and positions.


Family Ties

Bertrand Volksmann – son, Siegfried Volksmann – Father (Deceased), Jozef Volksmann – Uncle, Isaac Volksmann – Uncle
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
2921 SE 2953 SE 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Viktor Laszlo
Aligned Organization


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