Haruman Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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General of the Zarielite Crusade and Justiciar of Avernus

Lord Knight Haruman (a.k.a. The Boy Warlord)

Haruman was a prolific human warlord from the early 10th century that became a devoutly loyal justicar of the solar-turned-archdevil Zariel.  


  Haruman was born a slave in the Goblin Marches to a goblinoid warband. At the age of eleven, Haruman personally killed his goblin overlord and led the other slaves in a revolt. Despite his young age, the newly freed slaves were devoted to Haruman, who they titled the Boy Warlord, and this ragtag force managed to conquer the citadel of Farkeep when Haruman was thirteen. Haruman's once slaves would become the new army of Farkeep, and Haruman earned for himself the title of Lord Knight of the Far Hills. During this time, Haruman befriended the elf Jander Sunstar, who was not a slave but became embroiled in the revolt regardless and fought at Haruman's side. Once established at Farkeep, Jander revealed to Haruman that he was in fact a vampire, though Jander assured him he was keeping his bloodlust under control, and Haruman promised to keep Jander's secret.   In 919, Jander, now a knight-banneret in Haruman's service, informed his lord about a burgeoning crusade in Elturel, organized by the angel Zariel to wage war against the Abyss itself. Inspired by this endeavor, and perhaps needing a cause worth fighting for, Haruman marched his forces along the River Chionthar to meet with the crusaders and pledge himself and his men to their cause. He was welcomed to the crusade as one of its three mortal generals, alongside Yael of Idyllglen and High Rider Olanthius of Elturel. The three generals, alongside Zariel and her hollyphant companion Lulu became fast and close friends, bonds that Haruman had never had before.   In 920, the demon lord Yeenoghu, hearing about the crusade's plan, began attacking settlements along the Winding Water hoping to bait the crusaders into a trap. His ploy succeeded, and the Zarielites attacked Yeenoghu's forces outside of Idyllglen. In the resulting battle, the crusaders appeared ready to entirely rout the demonic force before Yeenoghu broke through the mortal lines, captured Yael, and ripped open a portal to Avernus in the Nine Hells. Haruman and the other crusaders charged after their captured comrade and fell into Yeenoghu's trap, as infernal legions of Hell arrived to stop what they saw as an invasion. Many of the crusaders, led by Jander, retreated back to the Material Plane before the portal closed, motivated out of fear or cowardice, but Olanthius, Haruman, Zariel, Lulu, and Yael, who fought and freed herself from Yeenoghu, remained defiant to the end and managed to destroy an infernal legion before a second one arrived, killing nearly all of the crusaders.   Zariel, broken by the fight, sent Lulu and Yael away with her sword, in which she placed a piece of her divine essence, out of fear that she would be corrupted by this loss. Her fear was justified, as Asmodeus himself arrived in the battle's aftermath and convinced Zariel to be reborn as an archdevil to continue her war against the Abyss. Haruman, seething with anger at Yeenoghu's deception and still fiercly loyal to Zariel, became a justicar in her infernal service, willingly transforming himself into a Narzugon. Olanthius was horrifed at Zariel's choice and killed himself rather than join her. However, the oaths Olanthius swore in life to Zariel bound him in death, and he rose again as a death knight in Zariel's service.   In the centuries that followed, Haruman continued Zariel's war against the Abyss by serving and commanding her armies. When not campaigning, Haruman was tasked by Zariel with punishing the cowardly Hellriders that fled the field of battle on the day she fell. Haruman took to this task with zeal, claiming the area of Haruman's Hill as his own and lining the hill up the road with the crucified souls of each Hellrider that betrayed the crusade as they died. Haruman became particularly obsessed with finally punishing his former friend Jander, whose death was a while off due to his undead and elven nature, but when Jander finally did die, his crucified soul was placed at the top of Haruman's Hill as an object of torture for Haruman.   In early 1498, Haruman was summoned by Zariel to her Flying Fortress as part of a strategy meeting for the upcoming Battle of Elturel, which had been brought to Avernus the year prior. While there, Haruman attempted to kill or capture the Lost Star Detectives, which included his once companion Lulu and who had infiltrated the flying fortress with Olanthius' aid to release the chains binding Elturel. Ultimately, Haruman was unable to stop the Lost Star Detectives from escaping.   Later, during the Battle of Elturel, Haruman was ordered by Zariel to fight the Lost Star Detectives to prevent them from using the Companion to return Elturel to the Material Plane. Despite his relentless onslaught, Haruman was ultimately slain, centuries after he had given up his soul.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Though he managed to hide it well in his adulthood, Haruman's life of slavery, battle, and leadership weighed greatly on him. Though he was able to maintain a cool facade, his temper was legendary, especially when he felt slighted and betrayed.   This trauma worsened during his time as a narzugon in Hell, where he became even more taciturn during everyday dealings and even more enraged at the presence of traitors. Spending centuries guarding the crucified souls of the Hellriders that abondoned him worsened this all the more. This hatred of traitors also meant that Haruman despised being referred to as a Hellrider, a term he associated with cowardice.


Contacts & Relations

Having spent his early years a slave and then a leader of men, Haruman had very few meaningful friendships in his young life, outside of Jander Sunstar. Thus, Haruman's friendship with Zariel, Lulu, Yael, and Olanthius were incredibly meaningful to him, because he had finally found companions and equals.   This is all the more reason why Jander's betrayal during the Charge of the Hellriders was felt so strongly. A lifetime of battle and bloodshed had instilled in Haruman the necessity of loyalty above all, and Haruman's friendship with Jander became a burning hatred that never softened.   Jander also became resentful of Olanthius following their induction into Zariel's infernal service. Haruman viewed Olanthius as a weakling you tried to forsake his duties to his commander and friend by trying to kill himself rather than remain in her service. Zariel's decision to give Olanthius the perceived honor of guarding their fallen comrades in the Crypt of the Hellriders stung all the more because of this.   Haruman also believed that Yael's decision to flee the the battle at the end of the Charge of the Hellriders was a great failing, as she left Zariel during her greatest hour of needed. He desired greatly to find her hidden soul and bring it to justice, but was never able to do so.   Haruman greatly respected and admired Zariel, which remained unwavering following her fall. Haruman was no stranger to bloodshed and sacrifice, and agreed with her new position that sometimes great violence must be undertaken for the betterment of all.
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Willingly became a narzugon at the request of Zariel
by Wizards of the Coast
Haruman as he appeared in Zariel's service in Avernus

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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