Amara Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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High Marshall Amara the Green

Amara, or Amara the Green, is a fallen aasimar, the current Green Wyrmspeaker of the Cult of the Dragon, and one of the two leaders of the Cult of the Dragon Civil War.    


  Amara was an aasimar sent to the Prime Material Plane to help others, as commanded by her celestial patron. Instead, Amara rebelled at her perceived lack of free will and choice. This rebellion culminated in her "falling" and being severed from her celestial nature.   Amara spent a portion of her life as a mercenary and soldier-for-hire, developing an extremely renowned sense of battlefield tactics and strategy. While traveling, Amara foung her way into the employ of the Cult of the Dragon, recently reformed by Don Rel. Intrigued, Amara worked for them, at first for the gold and later because she became an ardent believer in Don Rel's goal of bringing Tiamat to the Material Plane. Amara's military expertise quickly let her rise through the ranks, eventually being given the title of "High Marshall" and made the overseer of the cult's armed forces protecting the Well of Dragons.   Following the death of the Green Wyrmspeaker, Neronvain, at the hand's of the Breadwinners, Amara was chosen to replace that position. She was given the Belt of the Green Dragon and chose to actively bond with it, unlike her predecessor who chose to leave it in the Well of Dragons.

Amara also began planning on how to defend the Well of Dragons from the eventual attack the Council of Waterdeep would launch, as cult spies had begun noticing their armies gathering at Daggerford. Ultimately, Amara decided on attempting to take and hold the town of Hardbuckler to try and delay the Council of Waterdeep's advance, knowing her armies didn't have a chance in an even face-off. She also leaked the location of her headquarters, in the hopes that she could kill the Breadwinners, who had been the largest thorn in the cult's plans.   Ultimately, her plan to destroy the Breadwinners failed and Amara was forced to retreat, resulting in the Cult of the Dragon losing the Battle of Hardbuckler. With only a tenday to prepare, Amara started organizing defenses for the defense of the Well of Dragons  During the Battle at the Well of Dragons, Amara oversaw the protection of the Well of Dragons itself, ensuring that nothing disturbed the final ritual while keeping the Belt of the Green Dragon nearby to assist in the ritual when necessary. Despite this, the Breadwinners and their allies managed to sneak past her. While the Breadwinners fought their way to the top of the caldera, their allies held back Amara as she organized attacks to take back the top floor. These attacks were ultimately unsuccessful, though Bloodfang Wellington died during one attack.   Following Galvan the White's arrival to the lower levels, Amara realized that any attempt to take back the top of the caldera was doomed, and she needed to focus on defending the Well of Dragons in the hope that Don Rel's ritual would succeed anyway. Amara then began leading the cult's defense, as by this time the Council of Waterdeep had begun their attack. After a few hours of vicious fighting, it was clear Don Rel had failed. In the chaos of the battle and the eventual disintegration of the cult's forces, Amara managed to escape with a cabal of her trusted guardsmen.   In the years following the Great Dragon War, Amara has been engaged in an internal civil war with Galvan the White, the only other surviving wyrmspeaker. Galvan, a noted traditionalist, believed the Cult of the Dragon should return to its root, before Don Rel's reformations, and focus on the creation of dracoliches. Amara believed that Don Rel was correct in his belief that Tiamat needed to burn the world and start anew, but he went too public too quickly and the cult should instead retreat to the shadows to try again. So far the civil war has no clear victor.
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization


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