Well of Dragons Building / Landmark in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Well of Dragons

The Well of Dragons is a large citadel built inside a caldera in the northern range of the Sunset Mountains. The site is a legendary draconic graveyard and has served as the headquarters for the Cult of the Dragon at various points in its history.


For reasons unknown, chromatic dragons often flew to the site that would be the Well of Dragons to die. The early founders of the Cult of the Dragon built a citadel here to observe this phenomenon, believing it to be sacred.
In time, the Cult of the Dragon's focus began to be the creation of dracoliches. The Well provided a perfect place to perform such rituals. It targeted dragons already dying, it was well hidden, and it was an area already known to chromatic dragons, the very dragons the cult targeted.   In the 1480's, the Well was under the supervision of Naergoth Bladelord. During Don Rel's reformations of the cult, the Well was slowly transformed into a more active base for the Cult of the Dragon, serving as its official headquarters. This culminated in 1492, when the Chromatic Pentagram was brought out of Avernus and placed in the middle of the Well's caldera.   In early 1492, the Well of Dragons gained the protection of the Aethercore, following it's theft from Gregory Tumbleton University during the Raid on Tumbleton.   On the 2nd of Marpenoth, 1492, the Well survived as the location for the final battle of the Great Dragon War, when the Council of Waterdeep fought the Cult of the Dragon's forces while the Breadwinners disrupted the ritual to summon Tiamat. Ultimately, the Council of Waterdeep prevailed, resulting in the the near destruction of the cult and the Chromatic Pentagram to sink back into Avernus. The Aethercore created shield was removed and returned to its original home in Tumbleton.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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