Naergoth Bladelord Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Naergoth Bladelord

Black Wyrmspeaker Naergoth Bladelord

Naergoth Bladelord was the former leader of the Cult of the Dragon and the Black Wyrmspeaker during the Great Dragon War. He was the oldest "living" member of the cult, having turned himself into a wight during the late 1300's.  


  Naergoth Bladelord was declared leader of the Cult of the Dragon in the early 1370's, a title he would retain for nearly a century. During this time, Bladelord underwent a transformation into undeath, turning himself into an intelligent wight, similar to the dracolich rituals he performed as cult leader.   In the 1480's, the half-dragon Don Rel, at the time the Cult of the Dragon's Black Wyrmspeaker, began gaining popularity for his calls to radically reform the cult. Don Rel argued that the cult should move away from simple dracolichs and strive towards a more ambitious goal: summoning Tiamat to the Prime Material Plane. Bladelord resisted this at first, but eventually was forced to resign form his position of leader when it became clear that his ways were seen as outdated.   Bladelord continued to serve the Cult of the Dragon loyally and was awarded the position of Black Wyrmspeaker. In reward for his years of loyal service, and because he wouldn't be nearly as affected by the deafening noise, Bladelord was chosen to be the personal guardian of the Draakhorn.   During the Battle at the Well of Dragons, Bladelord was guarding the Draakhorn when he was killed by the Breadwinners.
Neutral Evil
1325 CR 1492 CR 167 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Breadwinners during the Battle at the Well of Dragons
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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