Neronvain Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Wyrmspeaker Neronvain

Neronvain was a Green Wyrmspeaker of the Cult of the Dragon during the Great Dragon War and secretly the estranged son of Melandrach and prince of the Kingdom of the Woods. He was killed by the Breadwinners during his campaign of raids against the Misty Forest.


  Neronvain was born to King Melandrach and was the younger brother of Prince Alagarthas. Neronvain often quarreled with his family, taking particular issue with his father's more cautious nature. These disputes became more heated and, in the mid-1400's, Neronvain was exiled, never to be seen again and presumed dead.   Unbeknownst to his family, Nervonvain fell in with the reformed Cult of the Dragon, led by Don Rel. He was drawn to the cult's commitment to total and radical change and supported them wholeheartedly, eventually becoming the Green Wyrmspeaker. In that role, he was offered the ability to use the newly rediscovered Belt of the Green Dragon, but Neronvain chose to leave it at the Well of Dragons for safe keeping, following the theft of the Greave of the Blue Dragon and the loss of the Cloak of the White Dragon.

During this time, Neronvain also befriended the green dragon Chuth, who willingly chose to serve as Neronvain's mount.   In 1492, Neronvain and Chuth began a campaign of destruction in the Misty Forest, the realm of his father. Through forceful coercion, they had secured the aid of Galin, the Warden of Altand, and began destroying and raiding elven villages. The Breadwinners, dispatched by Prince Alagarthas, arrived in the Misty Forest to track down the source of the raids, discovering Nervonain's lair.   The adventurers snuck into the lair while Neronvain and Chuth were absent and learned of the wyrmspeaker's connection to King Melandrach. The Breadwinners summoned the two back by disturbing Chuth's hoard and engaged in a vicious battle. Though Eilidh Stormheart was, temporarily, killed in the engagement, Ava of the Wilds managed to kill Neronvain with a fireball shortly before Legolass Darkblade felled Chuth with a dragon slaying arrow.
Neutral Evil
Year of Death
1492 CR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a fireball cast by Ava of the Wilds
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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