Chuth Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Chuth (a.k.a. The Emerald Assassin)

Chuth was an adult green dragon, servant of the Cult of the Dragon, and personal mount for the Green Wyrmspeaker Neronvain  during the Great Dragon War. He was killed by the Breadwinners alongside his rider in 1492.  


  Chuth was born in 942. In his early days, he believed that eating a constant supply of elves would eventually grant him immortality, though he abandoned this idea with time, realizing its many faults.   In the late 1400's, Chuth was one of the many dragons to join the reformed Cult of the Dragon in their mission to summon Tiamat into the Material Plane. Chuth quickly formed a bond with Neronvain, the Green Wymspeaker and estranged prince of the Kingdom of the Woods. In time, Chuth would willingly consent to serving as Neronvain's mount.   In 1492, Chuth and Neronvain began a campaign of raids and destruction across the Misty Forest. They were tracked down by the Breadwinners to their lair, where the two sides engaged in a brutal fight. During the clash, Eilidh Stormheart was, temporarily, killed, but Ava of the Wilds killed Neronvain with a fireball shortly before Chuth was shot down by Legolass Darkblade while attempting to flee.
Lawful Evil
942 CR 1492 CR 550 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a dragon slaying arrow fired by Legolass Darkblade
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by Wizards of the Coast


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