Galvan the White Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Galvan the White

White Wyrmspeaker Galvan

Galvan, or Galvan the White, is the current White Wyrmspeaker of the Cult of the Dragon and one of the two leaders of the Cult of the Dragon Civil War.  


  In the 1480's, Galvan was a member of the Cult of the Dragon during Don Rel's reformations. Though he personally believed the cult's true purpose involved the creation of dracoliches, as it had been under Naergoth Bladelord, Galvan was nevertheless loyal to the Dragon Cult. As part of an olive branch extended to the traditionalists, Galvan was the made the White Wyrmspeaker and Naergoth Bladelord, the cult's former leader, was made the Black Wyrmspeaker.   On the 2nd of Marpenoth, 1492, Galvan was assigned to protect the Aethercore, alongside his personal iron golem, during the Battle at the Well of Dragons. He was approached by the Breadwinners, who were already battered and bloody from fighting up multiple stories and killing Naergoth Bladelord. Galvan, knowing how capable the Breadwinners were, assuming Bladelord was dead since the Draakhorn silenced, and losing faith in Don Rel's leadership, offered the adventurers a deal. He would leave the Well of Dragons unharmed and, in exchange, wouldn't aid in the ritual to summon Tiamat. The Breadwinners agreed to his terms. Galvan fled the Well of Dragons, safely making his way out before the cult became overwhelmed.   Following the Great Dragon War, Galvan began mobilizing the surviving members of the Cult of the Dragon back into performing their original purpose: creating dracoliches. However, Galvan was opposed by High Marshall Amara, the only other surviving Wyrmspeaker from the battle, who believed in Don Rel's reforms but thought the cult needed to move into more subversive methods. Galvan and Amara clashed repeatedly until their disagreement broke out into a civil war between the two factions. As of today, there appears to be no clear outcome to the conflict.
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization


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