The Silvergraft Elves Organization in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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The Silvergraft Elves

The Silvergraft elves were a noble family of Tumult. They were the representatives of elven kind in the region, and though technically headed by a singular family, had most other higher class elves under their umbrella. They presided mostly in Felicity, focusing their attentions mainly on the arts and education. Elves were never a large segment of the population in Tumult, having only small enclaves here and there. The Silvergrafts were the only ones to make the elven presence known in the region. They received their position in the nobility by providing great heroes in the Dragon Blight, some of which survived until the destruction of the family by the Dread Sin of Gluttony during the Dance Incident in 1040.


Due to the long lives of elves, the structure of the family spread outwards rather than worry about hereditary positions. In fact, concerns of diminishing power is one of the main reasons the Silvergrafts did not have many children. They saw their positions as secure in Tumult, so made little effort to have contingencies.


Their main cultural event was called the Elven Starlight Dance, as the nature of the skylights were a famous area of study for the Silvergrafts. It is a yearly event usually held a few weeks after the Felicity Ball. It is mainly for elves, but the surrounding community it became quite the festival. It is meant to be a dance to honor the firelight flies (the firefly creatures who are the stars of the plane of Neih). It is essentially an elven gettogether with some magical excuse to warrant it. Many claim it is from the Dakath region who celebrate a similar event, but the Silvergrafts deny that relation.

Public Agenda

They are large funders of the arts and education. They are the main contributors to the Great Library of Felicity, possibly the best magic tower in the country (though that is only after Val'ul seceded, and there are many other magic towers that dwarf this library).


Their wealth was mostly in knowledge. The Silvergrafts were advisors for many of the kings and queens of Tumult. King Iscalon the Fourth did not use this asset.


See the Dance Incident to hear of their demise.   The Silvergrafts, though one of the top families in Tumult, were not that active in society. Like many longlived creatures, the concerns of the everyday did not weigh on them as much. They were more concerned with literature, philosophy, nature and arts. They founded the Great Library and the Felicity Central Park. If anyone finds a book written in Tumult, it was probably by a Silvergraft, or someone sponsored by a Silvergraft.

690 - 1040

Parent Organization

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