Demon Worship Organization in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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Demon Worship

Demon Worship is an umbrella term that the people of the Veritian Leaf call all those who worship Lesser Realms fiends. Whether it be a couple of curious warlocks, to an underground sect, to (in the case of Tumult) a whole movement and political force of worshippers of Asmodeus during the Demon Troubles. Generally not liked, the main enemies of these hellish cults are the Dharkness Hunters of Draught and the Branch of Uz and Mineos of the Church of Veritas.


The most organized movement was the Servants of the Lady in Dusk who led a civil war there. They followed their queen The Lady of Dusk and her servant Sestycius. Otherwise, they tend to be organized as smaller enclaves and underground sects following cult leaders.


They are not the kindest of people, and their self-destructive nature does not promise sustainability. Many have taken the reincarnation cycle for granted, throwing away their morality with no fear of lasting consequence. Violent and cruel, kill on sight.

Public Agenda

To open rifts into Hell and bring it to Neih.


They rarely have large amounts of assets to call upon, being mostly groups of madman. But sometimes the allure to power gets them rich backers.


There are a few places where Demon Worship has played a role in the history of the Veritian Leaf:  
  • Tumult with the Demon Troubles of 1030-1040.
  • Draught in the Conjuring Disaster of 812 which led to the creation of the Dharkness Hunters.
  • North of Oriaphia a corruption began in 1015 of demonic origins, which many blame the Dakath civil war on.
  • The city state of Armchester has had periodic splurges of Demon Worship since 496, despite the Church of Summer's attempts to eradicate it.
  • The fortress city of Nightmare in the Dormant Lands has an established Demon Cult since 777, which strangely opposed the Dormant Rise.


Usually disbands after utter destruction.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Servants of the Lady (Tumults variant)
Demon Cultist

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