Lady Kibblesmith *WIP* Character in The Mycobiota of Lilienwelt | World Anvil

Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*

(a.k.a. The Little Old Lady)

  • Is very old. Being a witch, she is way older than she looks. She may have stopped aging, but she hasn't stopped living.
  • Loves to wear a giant-made red shirt with 'small' (for Giantware *WIP*) white flowers splotched over it (like a Hawaiian shirt). Very airy and breezy. Wears it over gardening overalls. A always wears a wide, tatted sun hat (that she got from Emmma *WIP*, Old Flame).
  • Smokes a pipe, but should quit, it gives her a cough. Being around a certain kid (Princess Lisa *WIP*) would get her to stop, though.
  • Is a Kitchen Witch *WIP* . Can make potions, but would rather make soups. Heals through cookies and muffins. Her wand is a wooden spoon.
  • Has been baking for most of her life. Worked in the City *WIP* at a very famous Jarchow's bakery/hospital/dispensary. It was her dream. Meet Emmma *WIP* there. She rose through the ranks and became a master chief in no time, but it was very busy, too busy. There was such a demand for their baked goods that it became a mini factory and all she ever did was just bake in the kitchen. She liked talking to the people that needed help, one-on-one, so she could tailor the food to their needs. But when the bakery started making things in mass and having generic remedies premade for people to buy, She felt like the soul had left the place, it had become too commercial. Generic remedies are like band-aids, they only treat the symptoms, not the underlaying problem. So she walked away from it all, even Love Interest, and retired to the county. Nowadays she lives on the edge of the Forest/Woods and still helps people when they need it. But is very biter at how needy people can be (still hurting from the City) and how they can lean on magic to fix every problem. Most people, she strongly feels, don't need magic, ever. Magic should be used to even the odds, in most cases. Just like with money, it won't solve the underlining problem.
  • Favorite perfume is Channel Number Five, it smells like patchouli.
  • In her youth (don't know at the moment if this happened before or after Katja, The Cat adopted her OR maybe this happed recently. like a year or so ago???) she was either stabbed by a Unicorns *WIP* or was bitted by a Jackalopes *WIP* (I don't know which because I don't know if she has a small budding horn on her forehead or small antlers at her temples, I like the look of both).
  • Has a Blight *WIP* kiss or rose on her arm, very rare Nowadays.
Dec. 11, 2023 • Is a halfling. • Was a gnome breifly, before meeting Katja.

Mental characteristics


Maybe pan. No pun intended, she likes a person for their personality and not what they physically look like.


HH Princess Lisa *WIP*

ward (Vital)

Towards Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*



Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*

guide/protector (Important)

Towards HH Princess Lisa *WIP*



Emmma Petrichor *WIP*

ex-love interest

Towards Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*


Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*

ex-love interest

Towards Emmma Petrichor *WIP*


Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*

adopted daughter (Important)

Towards Katja, The Cat *WIP*



Katja, The Cat *WIP*

adopted mother (Important)

Towards Lady Kibblesmith *WIP*




When she was a kid, the Lady got lost in The Woods *WIP* and Katja, The Cat found her. It didn't look quiet like a cat, so she asked if it was one. The Cat thought about it for a moment, then said, "Cat? Ya, I guess I do look a bit like a cat. What's your name, little girl?", but the Cat had said it too fast and the Lady said, "Oh, your name is Katja? How pretty!" and thus the Cat was out smarted and named. From that moment on the Cat, Katja, was impressed with the girl and decided she needed a proper education and adopted her as her own and took the role as OtherMother. Or Oma, for short? Or just Mother Katja, probably. Told to Princess Lisa *WIP* on her first night in the Lady's cottage on the edge of the Woods .

Nicknames & Petnames

Kitten or catling? Oma or Mother Katja

Legal Status

Binding in the eyes of all Fey because of the Power of Names.

Current Status
Minding her own damn business, but that little girl isn't going to find her own way home, too many weirdo could grab her.
Current Location
Well over one hundred years old, but very spry
Date of Birth
A while ago
Parents (Adopting)
Emmma Petrichor *WIP* (ex-love interest)
Current Residence
Cottage at the Edge of the Woods
Believes in Herself
Aligned Organization


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