Lady's Kibblesmith's cottage *WIP* Building / Landmark in The Mycobiota of Lilienwelt | World Anvil

Lady's Kibblesmith's cottage *WIP*

  • This is Lady Kibblesmith's little house and gardens on the edge of Liebewäld *WIP*.
  • There are is a small orchard and a chicken pen.
When Lady Kibblesmith retired, she had some favors pulled and had a cottage built on the edge of Liebewäld *WIP*. Here she had everything she would need to be sustainably self sufficient; vegetable gardens, herb gardens, chicken pens (that gnomes keep asking about her chicken, as they come from battle chicken stock, she even thought about raising battle chickens for a while), fruit and nut orchards, ponds, rainwater catch barrels, outdoor ovens, indoor ovens, a huge kitchen, a walk in tub made from a Giant barrel, ect.


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