Darantus Slénami Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Darantus Slénami

In the store, there is a man tapping his fingers idly on the wooden counter, staring off at a wall full of tubs of small shrubs and bushes. He is very freckly, and his skin is rather pale. He isn't too skinny nor too fat, too tall nor too short, but seems to be the most ordinary person. As he stops drumming his fingers, you can see a small purplish splotch on his hand that is quickly moved out of view.   "Hello there." he quietly says, with a voice that also isn't too loud or too quiet. "I'm Darantus, and I own this little shop. Is there a particular herb you are looking for that I can help you with?"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Darantus is a thin man, with pale freckled skin. He doesn't do a lot of exercise and is not particularly athletic, but he stays at a healthy weight all the same.

Body Features

He has pale and freckled skin, and he isn't very athletic.

Facial Features

His face is very plain, with a small nose and far-apart eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

His face is incredibly freckled, and he has a small birthmark shaped like a star on the inside of his right palm.

Physical quirks

He constantly taps his fingers when he's bored.

Special abilities

He has powerful arcane abilities, although he tends to keep them under wraps in public.

Apparel & Accessories

He sticks to clothing that won't draw too much attention to himself; that is, a simple grey tunic and beige trousers. He does have a set of blue robes from his time at the College, but he only wears them if he is meeting with his classmates or his superiors in the College.

Specialized Equipment

In his home, he has a staff that he believes to be enchanted, but it truly isn't.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Darantus was born to a pair of moderately-wealthy shopkeepers in Gratic City. He went through The Change at a very young age, so he grew up experimenting with magic and its uses. Once he was old enough, his parents scraped together enough money to send him to school, where he learned to read and write and learned a great deal about history. Once he was sixteen, he went to learn at The College of Mages, where he brought along Parin Rédagal as a helper. He learned to harness his powers and became particularly fascinated by the study of magical plants and medicinal herbs. When he was instructed to keep an eye out for new recruits in the region, Darantus used this opportunity to open stores that sold magical plants and arcane texts, where he has been working for the last several years. The one in Freebrook only opened last summer, and he is planning on moving on soon.   The Drakeslayers visited his shop in order to learn more about the summoning of elementals, at which point he realized that the books he owned on the creatures had been stolen. When Sari Fehaz and Darúkk Zaymil were arrested and their homes searched, the books were found in their possession and returned to Darantus.


  • He learned how to read and write at a small school in Gratic City.
  • He then went to the College of Mages and spent a couple of years studying there.
  • Employment

  • As a child, he occasionally helped sweep the shop or arrange merchandise.
  • After his time at the College, he set up his store in Freebrook.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Darantus has a brilliant mind, with him being able to puzzle out riddles and spell components with ease. His mind is incredibly organized, and he has a list for nearly every possible thing.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Darantus likes to think of himself as a good person, but this isn't always the case. As an example, it would be no problem for him to inform people of his allegiances to the College, but he revels in the secrecy that he has. He believes in the goals of the College, so he could be convinced to do bad things in their name.

    Personality Characteristics


    Darantus learned about the existence of Limbo from one of his classmates, and he wishes to go there and visit at some point. The problem is that there are very few standing Portals to Limbo, and those few are carefully guarded from outside. Outside of that, he would like to discover a new species of magical plant or herb, although there are very few such plants left on Endaman that are undiscovered, and the relatively undiscovered regions are very dangerous.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • He knows a great deal about magic, and he is likely to be called in by locals for magically-related matters.
  • He is also very knowledgeable about rare plants and healing salves.
  • He is not very adept at making conversation, with small talk usually being out of the question.
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • He is fascinated by magical herbs and plants.
  • Mages that do not belong to the College annoy him a little, mostly because he knows what the College would be able to do for them.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • He is very quick-thinking and able to react quickly and appropriately in a crisis.
  • He is very learned, being capable of giving information on a variety of subjects.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • He likes to keep to himself, and those who dig a little deeply on him might get his nastier side.
  • Hygiene

    He keeps himself fairly clean, as he usually has enough time to prepare in the morning. His organized mind is made physical in his attention to detail in his store and in his home, as they are incredibly well organized and presented.


    Contacts & Relations

  • He has very good rapport with the local College of Mages members, many of them being his classmates or friends.
  • Family Ties

    His family still run their shop in Gratic City, and Darantus makes the journey there every other month or so to say hello.

    Religious Views

    Darantus doesn't believe in religion, as he can't seem to reconcile his knowledge of demons and magic with the existence of gods and religious texts that give different histories.

    Social Aptitude

    Darantus does have a certain charm or charisma about him, but he rarely ever exerts it. He is confident when he needs to be, but usually doesn't show that either. He has good manners, and he understands some basic etiquette.

    Hobbies & Pets

  • He spends much of his free time cataloging the various plants that can be found across Endaman, trying to create a compendium of sorts to rival the great Perk Zarlé's Guide to the Flora of Endaman.
  • He also checks out various places around the region, and he enjoys travelling.
  • Speech

    He has a small voice, and he isn't particularly loud either. People often interrupt him to ask him to speak louder.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Darantus doesn't make a large amount of money from his store, so he isn't as well off as many other merchants. He doesn't have very many possessions, and he spends a lot of his money on various rare plants and herbs for his studies and for the shop.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1987 CE
    Current Residence
    Dark brown.
    Short and black.
    5' 9" (about 6 handspans).
    129 lbs. (390 IS's).
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    He can read all major Endamian languages, but he can't speak any except for his native Common Gratic very well.
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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