Sari Fehaz Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Sari Fehaz

(a.k.a. Dekké Zaglar)

Stepping out of the crowd, you see a Hayim man in a long green robe and braided hair making his way, flanked by a pair of burly men carrying crates. As the men continue on, the Hayim man comes to a stop and notices you, his chiseled face making a quizzical expression. He then walks towards you with a determined stride.   "Welcome to Freebrook, stranger." he says, his words a little honeyed. "I am Sari Fehaz, and I am the best brewer in town. We haven't met before, but I am always ready to help a newcomer get around."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sari is of a medium build, with long legs and caramel-coloured skin.

Body Features

He has caramel-coloured skin and significantly long legs. He isn't incredibly athletic or very strong, preferring to let others do his dirty work for him.

Facial Features

His face seems to be chiselled from stone, as his nose and his mouth appear to be very sharp.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a small dagger tattoo indicating his membership in the Nine Daggers, which is on his ankle.

Physical quirks

He enjoys clasping his hands together when he's speaking.

Apparel & Accessories

He enjoys dressing up in fancy robes, with green being his favourite colour. He also owns a significant amount of jewelry and likes to wear it when at the brewery or around town.

Specialized Equipment

Sari usually keeps a pair of short daggers on his person in case of attack.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sari Fehaz was born Dekké Zaglar, the son of a powerful Hayim merchant family with deep ties to The Nine Daggers. His father was the local ringleader for the province of Schinter, and young Dekké was involved pretty early on in the organization. After one particularly nasty attack on the guard garrison, he was arrested and escaped custody, where he changed his name. Using the money that his father gave him, he set up a small business renting out space for merchants to rest their carts and horses during the long journey south to Gratic City, buying out much of the competition. After a few years, during which time he married his wife Mrisara and had his son Dilgar, he moved to Freebrook, starting his brewery which has become the talk of the town. When Darúkk Zaymil moved out to Freebrook several months ago, they began to hatch a plot to assassinate the Magistrate with help from one of Darúkk's strange contacts.   The Drakeslayers, unfortunately for him, discovered his involvement in the murder of Parin Rédagal and the attack on the marketplace in Freebrook, and he was sentenced to death for his crimes.


Like many Hayim, he learned to read and write very early on in his life.


  • He started as one of the Nine Daggers's most trusted enforcers, spending years training in roughing up businesspeople and bribing guards and officials.
  • After his arrest and subsequent escape, he switched to being a warehouse owner, renting out the space to travelling caravans and merchant wagons.
  • A couple of years ago, he switched again, becoming a brewer and quickly out-competing many of his competitors.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    He has an easily distracted mind, with his thoughts branching out in many directions. This makes it very easy for him to react to danger or multi-task, but it does make it difficult to focus his energy on a single task.

    Morality & Philosophy

    He is fairly unkind and competitive, falling into the "corrupt businessman" archetype. He is willing to do just about anything to get ahead of the competition, although he is very careful to not get caught. He also has a nasty pyromaniac streak, liking the idea of fire consuming the evidence of his crimes.

    Personality Characteristics


    Sari dreams of the day when the peoples of The Gratic Empire rise up and overthrow their aging bureaucratic government. He isn't a passive person in this, being dedicated to spreading fear and rebellion across the Empire.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Sari is very good at the physical aspects of his jobs for the Nine Daggers, making sure that the logistics of the operations work out well
  • He is also a very good brewer, having learned of the trade from a couple of blackmailed Schintians who had an "accident" a few years back.
  • He knows very little about the people he works for, and might not be so willing to help if he did.
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • He revels in chaos, enjoying the anarchy of mobs and mafia-like violence.
  • He is not a fan of Empire hardliners and Hayim that enjoy the Empire's stability and peace.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • He is a shrewd businessman, and is always ready to lend a hand.
  • Although he doesn't do it in the name of religion, he does kind acts for many locals.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • He is a bit of a pyromaniac, enjoying the consuming nature of flames.
  • His schemes are very deadly and final in nature, and he can get a little carried away with them.
  • Hygiene

    He keeps himself very clean, understanding that his business partners and locals would not trust him as much if he was unkempt or dirty.


    Contacts & Relations

  • Through the Nine Daggers, he has connections to rebel groups led by Hayim merchants all over the Empire, although he doesn't make much use of this connection.
  • His brewery is well-known throughout town, so he gets a lot of business and has many regular customers.
  • Family Ties

    He has a wife Mrisara and a young son Dilgar. He spends much of his free time outside of his schemes caring for them.

    Religious Views

    Sari keeps to the goddesses of the Hayim, and prays to them on a daily basis for protection from the evil Gratic bureaucrats that seek to crush his people's freedom. Although he doesn't pay much attention to religious matters, he figures that it wouldn't hurt.

    Social Aptitude

    He is very charismatic, having a charming effect on nearly everyone he meets. People who talk about him always talk about his magnanimity and his kindness, although they couldn't be farther from the truth. He puts a lot of focus on himself, as it reflects well on his business and its patrons. He has impeccable manners, although he may spit on them in private.

    Hobbies & Pets

  • His schemes for the Nine Daggers take up much of his free time.
  • What time he has free besides that, he spends doing good deeds for the community or with his family.
  • Speech

    He has a very honeyed voice, with a slight roll of the r's and a heavy lean on the ends of sentences.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Sari makes a large sum of money from his two occupations, which allows him to live very well. He lives in a large house not far from the brewery, and it has a courtyard and a small garden, which is unheard of for a middle class merchant in the region. Both he and his wife dine well and own many expensive possessions, and their son has a private tutor to teach him reading and writing.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1968 CE
    Current Residence
    Green and squinty.
    Blond and shoulder-length, with several braids.
    6' 1" (6 and a half handspans).
    142 lbs. (430 IS's)
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    He can speak both Hayimic and Common Gratic fluently.
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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