Baethlaic Embryo Technology / Science in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Baethlaic Embryo

Also called a Pellastradonian Navel, the Baethlaic Embryo is a literal world seed used by the Patrokonoi-Hellecia to create planets with a livable atmosphere from the shattered remains of Karoj-Menos following the Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae and the invasion of the Perxis-Sadem.

The embryo and the process of world seeding was invented by the Pellastradons and subsequently sold to the Delothian Collective for a seat at the Patrokonic table.

Making the Pellastradonian Rexitaurs undeniably rich, inoculated as a Mixolastian Sub-Species (although still treated like barbarians), and given plausible deniability if the embryo-making process was ever found out by the public.

Embryonic Process:

Taking its name from falling space rocks worshipped by ancient cultures, a Baethlaic Embryo is a cluster of components shot into a suitable chunk of space debris. Where it along with a group of Hellecian Atmospheric Colonists are pressured cooked by a fleet of Delot Tri-Decks fitted with Zeta Shield emitters (knock-offs to the original that successfully contained Apollo during the Invasion of the Progenitors) with the hope of creating a livable planet.

Tailored to the specific factors such as cluster's gravitational pull, its primary star, its position in the cluster, and the amount of space debris. No two embryos are ever the same, given these outside factors and the quality of seeds inside.

The trade secret behind the seeding process is closely guarded information passed down between the Pellastradonian Rexitaurs. Which involves the billions of displaced nymphs or Exalted Orphans throughout the sector and their mortal enemy: The Perxis-Sadem.


While playing both sides between the Swarm and the Patrokonoi-Hellecia, the Rexitaurs discovered these creatures in the Satrapazi called Mitranids. These prawn-like creatures devour physical matter and excrete proto-seeds that'll propagate life in the dying planets, allowing the swarm to stretch their resources out while proceeding further into the dying sector.

Once the Patrokonic Fleet was able to push the Satrapazi out of their sector, the Rexitaurs captured a clutch of Mitranid eggs and studied these creatures.

Eventually, they discovered the benefits of these proto-seeds depends entirely on the matter's Ichor saturation. Seeing the new status of the Pantheon's children in the sector as nothing more than exiles and criminals, the Rexitaurs started experimenting on captured nymphs of all varieties.

Upon consuming nymphs of the same phylum, these Mitranids allowed the Pellastradons to create the current seeds. After bombarding them with Cosmic Aurora under immense pressure, these seeds could sprout natural resources like rivers, mountains, trees, plants, and other resources hearty enough to survive longer outside the habitable zones of most clusters.

As a result, the Pellastradonian Trust was founded and the profession of Planet-Seeders became a position reserved exclusively for Pellastradonian companies in confidential standing with their Rexitaur.

Becoming the only profession not unionized within the Professional Guilds of Aeonite Craftspeople.

Post-Embryonic Shelling:

Once the shell is fired into the landmass, the Zeta Shield emitters move into place and compress the embryo into the planet's core.

Sometime during this process, the Atmospheric Colonists: a group of Hellecian volunteers or Barbarian POWs with CHONPS Spectral Elements will be compressed and converted into a transitional state and form the backbone of the emerging planet's atmosphere as gaseous beings living amongst the clouds.

While not a glamorous job, these colonists are crucial to making the planet habitable for life.

If the process is successful and the planet is successfully formed, these colonists' descendants are allowed to settle on these planets with honors and will be charged reduced tax rates for life within Patrokonic ports.


Once/if the planet forms (typically with a 65-70% success rate), the planet is then given over to the cluster's Amphytolic Council and made to swear allegiance as a client world to the Patrokonoi-Hellecia.

As part of this duty to nurture and defend its colonies with the PMF or the Patrokonic Militia Fleet, the Patrokonoi will help the new worlders establish an initial Hellecian capital on the planet.

The Patrokonoi will issue work orders to the Ionite Flotilla of Space-Faring Colonists to cultivate the fields and establish the initial settlements during the growing seasons before heading back to space until next season.

Followed by installing their economy with a Blood Mint market regulated by the Lypneans. Then the Aeonite merchant guilds to establish the necessary infrastructure to help this colony thrive.

The rest is up to the cluster and the new worlders. All depending on how this new government plans to use this planet and its new natural resources.

However, there is one nasty side effect of the process. While the bodies of the nymphs were broken down in the Mitranid's body, their souls were not.

Thus the creation of monsters and abominations will be birthed and needed to be exterminated from time-to-time (similar to Greek mythology).

Cluster of Origin: Pellastrom Horns

Institution: Pellastradonian World Development Trust (PWDT)

  • Pmnemium Alloy Core
  • Cosmic Aurora Attenuation Relay
  • Aurae-Nephaimph Seed Clutch (Atmosphere)
  • Hespereimph Seed (Constellations; alters atmospheric composition to show stars that'll make up a planet's navigational constellations) 
  • Glenimph Seeds (Grass)
  • Trenimph Seeds (Trees)
  • Granimph Seeds (Mountain)
  • Neranimph Seeds (Salt Water)
  • Nyanimph Seeds (Fresh Water)
  • Chonetrinimph Clutch (Melting pot of random elements)
  • COAG Slag Shell 

Greek Equivalent: Omphalos Stone (Navel of the World)

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