The Namoux Ethnicity in The Great Tree | World Anvil

The Namoux

The Namoux are a race of people shrouded in conjecture and Mysticism. They are one of the few things we have solid evidence on before the Dawn Of Truths. While there isn’t much, they did exist. What we do know is probably only just that: Legends.  
We know they were the ones who built Skajlich and Fort De Namoux. For what purpose the Fort was built and who they were fighting to warrant such an extensive fortification, we do not know. The Fort being built on the mouth to the Pass of Trails did make it one of the most defensible positions in known history, however. There is nowhere to go except in the net of the fort.  
We know that Skjalich was built by them as well, but again for what purpose we do not know. All we know is that it is covered under a few hundred feet of ash. The same ash structure we have noted, spans the entire Vilothric Mountain range on the eastern side. This may have been due to some volcanic event, but we do not know.  
The last thing we know was that they had an extensive culture and footprint in the western continent. They were a humanoid race of people, where only broken pieces of stone work exist to depict what they looked like.
Diverged ethnicities


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