The Sightless


The Guild revolves around a Stem and Root system. All stems come back to the Guild Hall in Mistsdale overseen the Eternal Watcher, who functions as the Honorary leader of the entire Organization. Though the Eternal Watcher is the main leader, there are many sub-leaders under this person, where the Water function more as a dispatch and Mayor of Mistsdale, doling out "orders" as needed when work comes in.
DIrectly under the Watcher are the Hunt Leaders, who act simultaneously as the Captain of the Watch while inside the city limits of Mistdale. Though primarily act as the go to for information, resource allocation, and back-up to the actual Hunters. While they are a more or less support role to the Hunters, they are still extremely knowledgeable and formidable opponents should one wish to see their ancestors sooner.
The lowest ranking, though most visible members of the guild are the Hunters. Who actually fulfill contracts, gather information, network, and police the Hamlet of Mistsdale. Peerless fighters, mercenaries, honorary dignitaries, spies and assassins. Though they are rather flat sorts in terms of a conversation, one should heed the words ushered from their lips. For their information comes from an unfathomable amount of experience.


On all levels their priority is the Hamlet. Should any threat, imaginary or otherwise, be perceived by the Guild. There will be no recourse for whatever has invoked the ire of the Hunters. Fiercely loyal to the citizens of the town, loyal to each other. They hold no country home, despite being in the heart of the States of Huron. No Nation has ever claimed the Guild, no Nation has the stones to do so.
While publicly they are respected and feared by Officials and High Society, they are surprisingly docile when interacting with the world. They revolve around being approachable by anyone, even more so inside the hamlet, they do this because they need the work to keep Mistdale running and the Guild itself. Forever in search of work enough to bring coin back to the town.

Public Agenda

They wish to take on work in the realms of Hunting creatures that cause problems for locals and entire regions. Work of information gathering, no subject is beyond their grasp. Arcane, Divine, Political, Personal, it doesn't matter to them, they'll take the work. They are hesitant to take on work of assassinations however, they require extremely good reasons to do so. Political assassinations are not typically done, personal are negotiable. Refusing to slaughter people for business reasons, they will usually take the individual down who asked them to do so.
Though they require coin for every contract, they are very visible when they act on their own. They are fond of assisting people in distress, or down on their luck. Stuck on the road with a broken wagon wheel, they would help if nearby. A tired old man attempting to fix his fence, they would help.
Hidden Agenda

The organization garnered much of their power and influence from many sources. Questionably acquired information, dubious deals made behind closed doors, morally gray issues looked away from. However, they seem to be affiliated with The Elsewhere. As on occasion they can be heard, from those with a death wish, speaking of a Queen. A frequent visitor to the Guild Hall is Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves, who also has a habit of speaking about some Queen.
In addition to this, it was always seen as odd for a guild to house a portal Nexus. These Nexus' being nearly exclusively by the largest Cities of the map for the mass transit systems, operated exclusively by the Wayfares Guild. Though no one has ever seen this portal being used, numerous God's Eye's have been seen inside the hamlet throughout history. Their whys and hows seem to be a mystery to the general public, as well as the major governments.
The best thieves and spies have never been able to pry the information out of the Guild. However, the guild acts as a watchdog force for the Elsewhere. They hunt monsters in the world to determine whether or not the Sickness has made itself active again. They gather information to pass back to the God's Eye's to return to their Queen. They watch the world, hunting for information regarding The Quartet, watching, waiting. For what though? That remains to be seen.

Nessun compito troppo bello (No task too Great)

Founding Date
Year 675
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Hunters, Weavers, Immortals
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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