Mars Geographic Location in The Expanse | World Anvil
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Mangala, Fire Star, Nergal…Ever since humanity started ascribing names to the stars, the striking color of the fourth planet has not gone unnoticed. It is the color of blood, and for Earth, Mars has ever been a portent of martial spirit and war. It still is in this jaded age, but for far more concrete reasons.The Martian Congressional Republic rules over four billion people who are spread across Mars, associated orbital stations, and the small but highly advanced military eets cruising the solar system.   Settled in the 21st century after a number of lengthy exploratory missions, Mars is a world of dreamers, devoted to a single vision: the greening of the red planet. It is a world of survivors, eking out every last erg of efficiency from machinery in a pitched centuries-long battle against an environment never meant for them. And Mars is a world of warriors, believing themselves stronger, smarter, and more determined than everything else under the sun.   Terraforming the Red Planet goes slowly, though the entire planet is focused on the endeavor in some capacity or another. Not a blade of grass grows on Mars that’s not under a dome, the planet’s sifting soil sterile as ever. Every person on Mars contributes to the work of terraforming—or in the military, to protect those who work. The whole of Mars is devoted to the great project, even as each generation knows they won’t be the ones to see its fruition. As the saying goes, great people plant trees knowing they’ll never sit in their shade, and Martians plant trees in red soil in hopes of a green future. To Martians, Earthers are lazy and indolent, living off the government dole without faith and without drive. Earth is the dying past, and Mars is the bold future, a desperate attempt to beat the ticking clock of extinction.

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